Chapter 6: Marriage

Nanon's POV

(One year before, the morning after he said yes)

I woke up to the continous banging of my door. It was 8 am. It was way too early for me. The banging didn't stop. I sighed and went to the door. It was my mom.

"This better be something important mom, you woke me from my date with my bed" I said yawning. She ignored me and went to living room. What's wrong with her? I know her well, normally she would give me a smack or sarcastic comment. I followed her thinking. There was some loud chatting noise coming from living room. I stood shocked when I entered.

"Hello Non...did we wake you up early?" Uncle Off was there with Chi, talking something to my father. This explains the loud noise.

"Did you said you will marry Chimon?" My father asked me with his usual commanding tone. I blinked, I was still not awake, this is too much to take for someone who was forced out of sleep.

"Why are you blinking? Answer me"

"Yes dad" I said facing him and immediately uncle Off smiled looking at me and my father.

"You said he is only friend"

"Still he is my friend dad" I said smiling at Chi. He was also smiling.

"But how? How can this happen?" I wondered why my father was being this dramatic in morning itself.

"What sir?" Uncle off asked him.

"How can you accept him as son in law? He is useless, has no stable job moreover yesterday only he cleared his arrear. Do you really think marrying Chimon to him is a good idea?" My father asked to him.

I heard someone chuckle behind me and saw Ohm standing and eating chips. For how long this guy was standing here? I gave him a glare and turned back to my dad and uncle Off.

"He is a good boy. I know him from his childhood. I believe he will be perfect for my son. I know he will keep my Chimon happy. Regarding job, he also can work with my son in my ceramics company itself. After me it is going to belong to my son and his partner anyway" uncle Off said smiling.

"Then let's discuss about marriage" my father and uncle started discussing. I saw Chi and gave him a smile. He gave me a shy smile in return.


"Your father in law is a rare diamond! He is offering you job and his only loved son!" Fiat said.

"Who? Him? Listen to story fully and then come to conclusion" I said annoyed. Arm was still waiting for me to continue.

"We had a very simple marriage, by simple I mean just signing the papers at register office with my parents, his dad, Ohm and Fah. But we had grand reception at 5 star hotel, with few of our relatives and other friends, got a nice beach facing apartment on 14 th floor as wedding gift. Life was fun."

"Then what happened?" Arm asked curiously.


I was there in our bedroom in our new house. The word our feels different, it still hasn't sinked in. Chi was nervously fidgeting as I went and sat next to him on bed. He was blushing heavily. He was looking like a red peach.

I gently cupped his face. He closed his eyes in anticipation. Why I am feeling weird? I have held his cheeks, pinched it many times before. He slowly leaned forward so do I. When I saw his his face this close to me I couldn't help. It was definitely weird. So I backed off. He opened his eyes and looked me.

"I think I am not ready for this. I have seen you as my friend for so long so this feels weird."

"Its Ok I get you. Let's not force this. We can also have our honeymoon when we feel like it." He said smiling. Was that disappointment I see in his eyes? Whatever. He said we can take it slow. So we just had random talk and went to sleep.


"That's all?" Fiat said disappointed. I glared at him.

"Fantasizing over your best friend for years felt cheap. I felt cheap." I explained to him.

"So he was your friend first. That's your problem?" Arm asked and I nodded as he got my point.

"Ok then what happened?" Arm asked.


Chimon's  journal ( Chimon's pov)

I still can't believe he said yes and we are married now. I can't believe without confessing I got to marry my crush. I don't know how or when it started. I felt a special feeling towards him which is definitely more than best friend. Maybe it would have started from our college days, but I felt and acknowledged the feeling only during  our trip. That trip was really something.

I know I should have confessed but it could ruin our friendship which I was not ready to lose. But things turned out well.

I know he doesn't feel the same like me. I think he could develop feelings over time. That's why I am not going to force him. I believe time can change everything.

May be this could be the beginning of our happily ever after.