Chapter 7: Married life

Nanon's POV

Life was smooth and fun for the first month. Though there was no romance we were comfortable around each other. We would wake up and sleep facing each other.

He tried cooking for us mostly we would settle for take outs. "Mm..Chi what is this?"

I asked looking at my plate, something which was burnt. I am betting 80% its omlette and 20% its pancake.

"Its omlette" he said. Guess I was right. "Taste it and say how it is" he said happily.

My mom used to say you will understand about my food only if you got married, whenever I complained about taste of her food. Looks like her words are true.

"Mm I think we will settle for takeouts to be on safer side"I said and he went back to kitchen sulking. What should I do now? I followed him. He was cleaning the counter.

"Hey Chi don't sulk na, I give full marks for your effort but not for taste. We both suck at cooking that's why I said we can do takeout" I explained to him. He stopped cleaning and was watching me intently.

"I thought making food ourselves can give us homey feeling" he said shrugging.

I think I get what he was trying to do. To take things to next level he was trying something because even after a month we were still in friendzone.

"Ok let's do this, you don't have to try alone. I will also try cooking. We can ask my mom for help to teach us cooking and for simple recipes." I said and he smiled bright. I thought of making him annoyed. It was always fun to tease him. As I was washing my hands, I 'accidentally' splashed the water on him.

"YOU!!" He yelled because of sudden cold splash. I gave him my most innocent smile with puppy eyes.


In a flash the cloth he used to clean the counter was on my face.

"This means war!" I yelled and got a glass of water and splashed at him. He tried to duck but I was quick. He was wet now.

"Hahaha...gotcha" I was laughing seeing his state. He silently came towards me with mischievious eyes and I went quiet. What he is planning now?

"Huh what are you doing?" I asked as he was very close to me. He had a small smirk.

"Revenge dear revenge" he said and in a quick flash he leaned forward our foreheads and nose touching. I could feel his breath on my face. I was too distracted to notice his hands behind my head.

"You have to be alert in the war Nano" he whispered in my right ear, and quickly dropped the flour on my head which he got from the counter behind my head. When I came back to my senses he was running out of kitchen laughing.

"Oh you are so dead!!" I ran after him and started tickling him. He also counter attacked me. We were in our couch laughing when suddenly the door opened.

My mom and dad were standing there looking shocked at us and the mess we've made.

"When are you going to start acting like mature married couple?" my dad asked.

"When are you going to knock like civilized people instead of barging in?" I retorted.

"Ha whatever look at you both, go and get changed. We can go out for lunch" my mom said to ease the situation. We had lunch at nearby restuarant and asked her to teach simple recipes and she gladly accepted.


We came back home later. I was trying to fix the photo frames on the wall. One was our wedding photo with our parents, Ohm and Fah. The other one was only me and him. We got it delivered on our way back. Chi was in his room doing something. After fixing, I stepped back to admire my work. I took a side glance and was shocked. There was a old man standing in our living room looking confused. What's wrong with old people and our door? Why is he standing here?

"Hello sir, who are you? What are you doing here?" He looked at me confused. What should I do now?

"Grandpa you are here! Thank god...I was searching for you everywhere" a small girl around 10-12 years came inside. She was checking her grandpa and finally saw me.

"Sorry P, he is my grandpa, he has Alzheimer's, sorry for disturbing you" she said. I smiled in response. Chi who was inside came outside hearing the commotion. He came and stood beside me.

"Hello P" she waved her hands in friendly manner to Chimon who also waved back to him. "Who is he?" She asked pointing to Chi.

"Oh this is Chimon, my friend" I said to get immediately pinched by Chi.

"Oops sorry, he is my husband" I said smiling sheepishly.

"Do you also have Alzheimer's like my grandpa?" The girl asked giggling and left with her grandpa.

Guess I am still not used to seeing him as my husband.


2 days later

I was watching movie sitting on our couch. Chi was nearby talking to his dad. Suddenly he called me,

"Hey Nano, can you come to work from monday onwards? My dad is asking."

"Yes I will come" I agreed because I know I can't spend all my life playing and watching movies. Moreover he will be with me, so I don't have to worry.


Chimon's journal (Chimon's POV)

I can't believe he introduced me as his friend to that grandpa. It was 2 days before but still I thought about it. May be he still needs time, after all its only been a month. He will come to work from monday along with me. I don't know why I am excited as if its my first day on a job. Hope he likes the new job.