Chapter 8: New Job

Nanon's POV

Today was my first day at my new work. I got up early and was getting ready along with Chi. I was trying to wear my tie. I really don't know how to tie it. It was not mandatory in our college and school, so I don't know. I was trying to tie it like how they showed in youtube video tutorials I saw last night.

"You haven't started working and already trying to strangle yourself to death?" Chimon asked laughing at my condition.

"Nope I am not dying antyime soon, I am trying to get this"

"Though you are not planning on dying soon looks like you might accidentally kill yourself" he was still laughing.

I decided to give up. Its not my first time to get help from him.

"Chi can you help me wear this?"

"Sure" he said and came forward and started doing it. "Actually why are you wearing tie?" He asked by the time he was done.

"Its my first day at company, I have to be presentable before uncle. First impression matters you know" he was adjusting my hair now.

"If he was not impressed he wouldn't allow me to marry you" he said with a shy smile. I smiled back.


We were in his car. He was driving and I was in passenger seat. The car slowly entered the remote area. The nearby buildings were old and some were unused for a long time. He stopped the car in front of an old building and got down. It actually looked like some warehouse where the kidnappers keep hostage or some druglords do underground business.

"Mm...Chi why did you stop here? Do you have any work in here?" I Asked looking around.

"This is our company office Nano" he said, taking my hand and leading me inside.

"Chi why did you keep toilet bowls here?" I asked wondering at the toilet bowls both western and squat type toilets kept outside the office entrance.

"Nano these are our company products" I was shocked and confused.

"You said you have ceramics company!" I yelled in surprise.

"Toilets are also ceramics, that's why you have to be attentive in school" he said chuckling.

I quietly followed him looking at the surroundings. He went inside and approached what I assume, his room.

"Chi where should I go? What is my job?"

"Oh right, sorry I forgot you were here" he said and called the girl who was sitting few desks away.

"Jane, take him to my dad" he said and turned towards me. "You go with her, my father will say about your job."

"Okay" I said smiling nervously. I thought I will be working somewhere near to him. I turned around to follow Jane. I felt someone grabbing my hand. It was Chi. Before I could say anything, he pulled me to hug.

"Relax Nano, it will be alright. Don't worry" he said whispering in my ears. His hug washed away my nervousness. His hug was comforting. I smiled resting my head on his shoulder.

"Aah young couples" I heard someone gossip about us. But I don't care. After a good few seconds I pulled away and went with Jane.

I was carefully observing the way. She was taking me to interior part of the company. Finally I reached to what looks like packing place. "When you get down the steps turn right, you can find sir there" she said and left smiling. I thanked her and went down the stairs. I was shocked to see the sight in front of me. Today life decided to throw me shocks instead of surprises I think. Except that hug.

Uncle Off was sitting no, squatting on a squat type toilet and saying something to the man next to him, who was marking something in his notepad.

"Hey Nanon, you are here!" He exclaimed as he got up from his position. There was small stage like setup with many type of toilet bowls of various models. Everyone there saw me when he called me loudly. I am really thankful Chi is not as loud as him. Pushing my thoughts aside I approached him smiling.

"Come on, sit here" he said pointing to the toilet.

"Huh?!" I am still shocked.

"What are you gaping at? Sit there!" He said pointing to one toilet bowl. "There?" I asked confused and he nodded.

I sat there in squatting position. He came around inspecting me. God! This is so awkward! "Is it comfortable?" He asked and I nodded. "How is the gripness? Is it spacious?" He asked and I replied with a nod. "This is one of the place where man can spend time peacefully, so it must be of good quality and comfortable right?" Again I nodded. "Hereafter this will be your job". "What is the name of this position?" He asked to the man assisting him. "Quality check controller sir"

"Hereafter you will be our company's quality check controller" he said smiling. Is this some prank? They must be teasing me.

"He is Mr. Gunsmile, he will assist you. Good luck" he said leaving.

"Uncle really this is my job?"

"Oii why are you giving weird face! It is also a job. For 20 years I did this. I can't do this anymore because I am getting old & tired. So you have to do your best" he patted my shoulder and left.

"Welcome sir" Gunsmile said smiling. But mostly it looked like he was enjoying my situation. I didn't sign up for this. What should I do now?