Chapter 9: Compliment

Nanon's POV

The entire morning I was squatting and sitting on toilet bowls while P'Gunsmile was asking questions about comfort like my uncle. Very soon it was lunch time. Everyone had their lunch at their working place. P'Gunsmile started having his lunch at his place. But I couldn't. The rows of toilet bowls surrounding me made puke. But he doesn't seem to bother. If I stayed one more minute I will puke. So I packed my food back. Only one place came to my mind and I got up with my lunch pack.

"Yes come in" I went inside his cabin after knocking. He looked up from his work computer and was surprised to see me.

"Hey Nano...uhm why are you here?"

"Its already lunch time and why are you not eating?"

"I only asked first, so answer me"

"Okay fine. I got the quality check controller position. You know where my place is. I really don't feel like eating there. Can I join you here?" I asked in doubt. If he said no I should go to canteen.

"Ok you can eat here" he said and started working. He is always like this, skipping food to complete task. I wonder for the past 2 years was he like this? Because in college Ohm or me made sure he doesn't skip food. So I quietly stood there.

"What? Why are you still standing here? Go ahead and eat" he said pointing to the small table with 3 chairs in a corner of his room.

"Are you not going to join me? Its already lunch time, when will you eat?" I asked and he smiled sheepishly.

"Ok fine, I thought I can eat after finishing this. But...ok I will join you" he said closing his files.

We sat and opened our lunch packs. I took the first bite and my mind went to my place surrounding toilet bowls. I felt hard to swallow.

"On a second thought, shall we go out for lunch? Its your 1st day here so my treat" he asked wriggling his eyebrows.

"Thanks, but no. Let's eat here" I said and he gave a smile. His smile is cute nowadays.

I looked back at my lunch pack. It was prepared by him. After learning some recipes from mom, we could make simple food. I knew he woke up early to prepare this. So I will not let his work go waste.

We ate our food, all the while chatting about random topics. It felt full, both stomach and heart. After marriage or even before marriage we ate together but it never felt like today. Talking to him after the work made me relax. May be this will be the only favorite part of my work.

After lunch I went back to my squatting business. The day went same like morning. Thank god, I never skipped my workouts or else I would be crippled by now with all the squats. I came silently to the entrance of the office. I was trying to call Chi because he was my ride. A small horn behind me, made me startled. I held my chest and looked at the driver. It was Chi's car.

"Hey cute dimples, are you looking for a ride?" He asked winking flirtatiously. Well, two can play the game.

"No Mister. I don't go with stranger. I am waiting for my husband"

"He must be a handsome, lucky man to have this dimple all for himself." He said as if he was hurt.

"Seriously? Are you developing DID?" I asked breaking the flirting.

"Nope, since you are not appreciating me I am forced to compliment myself" he said shrugging.

"Well my husband is not handsome, but cute and caring. He prepares me food, gives me ride and always takes care of me" I said and got inside the car. He went silent but his face was so red, like red peach. Looks like I won the game. Also note to self, I should compliment him more. Because a simple compliment made him shut up. This shows how much he expects my compliment.

The ride back home was fun. We were singing along with the songs playing on radio.


After dinner I went and laid on bed beside him. He was sitting reading some novel. I had only one thought after this day's work. I can't hold it back anymore. I should let out to him. I turned facing him. He took a peek at me and smiled. He closed the book and looked at me.

"What's bothering you Nano?" He asked looking straight at my eyes.

"I think I am not suited for this job. I don't like doing this work." I said sighing.

"Nobody likes their job on very first day itself Nano. Give it sometime. May be you will start liking it." He said stroking my hair.

"Remember how you hated joining the football team? But eventually you loved it. So wait things may change over time. If not say to me I will look after that" he said still stroking my hair. I snuggled close to him.

"Yeah I can remember how you guys purposely made me late for practice so I should do extra 5 lapse" I said smiling warmly at the memory.

He started saying about some events at college I don't know for how long he spoke because I slowly drifted to sleep, with his hands still stroking my hair.


Chimon's POV

Oh my god!! he looks so cute while sleeping. Guess stroking his hair really helps him. Thanks to my mother-in-law, who accidentally slipped this info while talking about his childhood. He hasn't changed.

Maybe this job doesn't suit him. If he said he don't like this job even after some time, I should ask my dad to change his position or even leave the company. There is no use in forcing someone to do something they are not interested.

I took my mobile to take picture of him. I looked at him sleeping peacefully.

I watched his arched eyebrows, his closed eyes, his sharp nose, those pink rose bud like lips. Shit I should stop this.

Damn that dimple! He must be dreaming about something happy. So his dimple automatically made its appearance. He looks ethereal.

I dropped my lips down and pressed a small kiss on his forehead.

"Good night, hubby"

Slowly I also laid beside him and went to sleep.