Chapter 11: House

Nanon's POV

Urghh why he should raise his voice like this today? I agreed without thinking, I know I am wrong. He should've said to me gently. I know it was not his intention but I felt insulted and hurt.

"Looks like you are waiting for someone." A man who was sitting near me said. I just nodded.

Here I am waiting for Puimek. I asked to meet her in person. She said to wait at bus stop near her house. A bus arrived and she got down from it.

"Hey Nanon! Sorry for making you wait. I thought work will be over early but something came up" she said walking towards her house. I quietly followed her.

"Its ok Puimek, just now I got here" I lied.

"Ok, why did you want to meet me?" She came directly to point.

"Regarding that shoot permission, I am sorry, we have to decline" I said trying to be professional and hiding my own hurt.

"Oh?" Her face fell and she suddenly looks tired.

"Actually I agreed as if its my company, but my husband and uncle declined it. I am so sorry Puimek."

"Hey its ok. If I scouted for 2 or 3 days I will find another location. Don't worry too much" she smiled assuring me. I felt like useless trash, I really can't help people who come to me for help.

"P'Puimek, you are getting late. The movie is going to start" a small boy who came in cycle behind us said and went away.

"Nanon, do you want to watch a movie?" She asked turning to me.

Atleast this I can do by myself. So I agreed. "Then wait here" she said and went inside her apartment. I sat on nearby bench outside her building. The neighbourhood is neither rich nor poor. Looks like its suitable for people struggling to get a better place in society. After 20 minutes she came down dressed in her casuals. She did say we are going to movie, but why is she not dressed up?

"Come, let's go"

"Huh? Where?" I asked confused.

She smiled and just walked ahead and I follwed her. After few turns she stood before a place. It was a community ground, where they have placed a big screen with projector. The movie already playing and people from neighbhourhood seated on ground with their families. Many families came prepared with small picnic blankets and everyone was enjoying. I thought we will go for theatre but this open ground movie screening was whole new experience. She went and sat in the middle not too far from screen. I was smiling looking at the atmosphere.

"How is this place?" She asked.

"Better than Air Conditioned theatres" It was true.

"I always wished to see a movie here. Only me, all alone" She smiled dreamily. "But there will be always some family here to watch movie."

"Uhm Puimek, why did you decide to join cine industry? Especially direction?"

"I always liked to tell stories from childhood." Suddenly there was loud applause from crowd for movie scene. "This..."she said pointing to cheering crowd. "There was this applause which I got after telling story or directing plays from school got me addicted. That's when I decided to become director." God...I also miss this applause.

"Hm whenever I acted in plays the applause at end made me think about becoming an actor. I can feel you" I said. "You still act? I thought it was only during that year" she asked surprised.

"I never missed a chance to act. I acted in few short flims during my years of unemployment." I pulled out my mobile and showed the short films I acted.

"Hey you are really good at acting! Have you went for auditions? You could become a star."

I chuckled. "My father will disown me if I said I am going to Cine field. He thinks its the worst field to exist. Still he don't know I featured in few short films." I let out a big sigh.

"May be you should try if you get any chance. It's your life to live, not theirs" she said and we went back to movie.


At present

"Hey you are home, where did you went?" Chi asked me looking up from his work. I was near dining table drinking water.

"I went to meet Puimek."

"Why did you went to meet her?" He asked as if I did some grave sin.

"Since you and your dad didn't permit to shoot in your company, I met her and apologised in person" I purposely pressed the 'your' part.

"You could've said that in just a phone call" he said as if I don't know what phone call means. Why does it bother him if I met her?

I got annoyed by his actions.

"Why? For that also should I ask permission from you and your dad?" He flinched at my raised voice.

"Don't raise your voice Nanon!" He said glaring at me.

"Why should I? Did you listen to me when I asked you to tone down this afternoon? Atleast I have decency to not raise my voice in public place unlike someone."

He quickly closed his laptop, grabbed his files, went to bedroom slamming the door right on my face. I knocked as I want to get in for change of clothes. He didn't open.

"Fine, its your dad's gift. You got every right to lock or keep the door open. Who am I to stop you or complain? I am just a useless nobody" I yelled near door for him to hear.

With that I went back to kitchen, had some snacks for dinner, washed my face in kitchen sink and came back to sit on couch. I was listening to my playlist because today was hectic. Slowly I fell asleep on couch.


Chimon's POV

"Fine, its your dad's gift. You got every right to lock or keep the door open. Who am I to stop you or complain? I am just a useless nobody" he yelled near the door.

Wait, did he really thinks I am doing like this because it's my dad's gift! Even after months he didn't feel like this is his home? He also has rights here. For godsake this house is in both of our names and he still thinks its only mine?

I opened the door and he was not here. I could hear some rattling in kitchen. May be he is having dinner. I just kept the door closed and not locked. I know it sucks to sleep in work clothes.

Why he is not here still? Its been an hour since I left the door open and he is not here. May be I should have left the door wide open for him to notice. Slowly I got down and went out to see him sleeping on couch with his mobile dangling on his hand.

I quickly went and grabbed the mobile before it fell from his hand. After few minutes I returned and placed the cushion below his head and covered him with blanket. Then I went back to sleep.