Chapter 12: First move

Nanon's POV

At present

"Was he doubting you?" Arm asked raising his eyebrow. I nodded in agreement. Then slowly he smiled.

"Why are you smiling? He is not trusting me and it makes you happy? Are you guys always like this, roaming around smiling creepily?" I asked and again they smiled. Damn...what have I gotten into?

"We would be worried only if he was not doubting you" Arm said smirking. Is that suppose to clear something? If yes, then its clearly not helping because I am still clueless.

"I think he was angry not because you gave permission to shoot. It might be due to Puimek coming back to your life" Fiat said as he was arranging some files.

"After finishing that, come and arrange my table also" it was Arm.

" also have hands and its clearly your table so do it yourself" Fiat said and Arm frowned.

"I am listening to his story" Arm said pointing me.

"So do I. If you can work hearing music, you can perfectly work hearing to his story. And don't try to deny because I have seen you hearing Blackpink songs while working."

"Hey don't say things like that! Client might lose trust in us" Arm said.

"Oh don't worry about that, because I don't trust you guys in first place." I said.

"So will you always go around telling your life to strangers?" It was Fiat.

"No. No stranger caused me this much curiosity to share my life" I said and saw Arm arranging the files in his table.

"Then what happened?" Both asked in same time.

"A week has passed and still he was not talking to me."


It's been a week and he was not talking. I also didn't bother to speak with him. It was like I am living with some stranger. Sometimes due to habit I would call him to share something but I always stopped midway. If he can stay silent, I can too. But I know it is very hard for me since I am a chatterbox.

After that night, next morning he actually waited for me to go office together like usual. But being an egoistic fool I went for a cab. Then he stopped waiting for me. Thank god uncle Off went to his native for some work. So no one bothered why we are coming and leaving seperately. Today its weekend and we are both home I am watching movie and he was in kitchen doing something. He came and sat next to me and changed the movie.

"Hey I was watching it" and he just shrugged.

"I don't like this movie" he was eating casually, ignoring me.

"Then why the hell you made me ditch class twice to see this movie during college days?"

"I don't like it anymore"

I was about to say something when door bell interrupted us.

I opened the door to find Ohm and Fah. As soon as I opened the door he came rushing hugging me.

"Woah dude! What happened?"

"Guess who are going to be uncles?" He said looking at Fah and she was blushing.

"Wow congrats Fah" Chimon gave her a warm hug. I also hugged and congratulated her. When all the pleasantries are over, there was a awkward silence surrounding us. I looked at Chi at same time he was looking at me. Then he quickly diverted his look.

"Hey Fah, Come let's go inside and talk" he held her hand and led her inside.

Ohm and myself went to balcony. I just brought some drinks from fridge and gave his shot.

"Sorry bro. I am not drinking. I have to drive them home" he refused. Wow he really became responsible man!

"Why did you rush? You guys got married only a year back, Don't you feel this is too soon to have baby?"

"We felt like we should have our own family. We both discussed and then only had this baby. After all, its the next step and life is unpredictable you know" He sounded as if giving some philosophy lecture.

"Oh when are you guys going to have your family? Planning on adoption or surrogacy?" I just avoided his gaze. "First we have to be together then we can dream about kids" I mumbled but he heard it.

"Ok now I am serious, what is happening between you two? I could feel something is off between you guys" Damn he knows us too well.

"And what did you say about being together? Have guys did it or not?" Just like that he dropped the question and I almost choked on my drink.

"No we didn't do anything. I still can't picture him as my husband. I still feel he is like my friend. Moreover he is doubting me now"

"What made him doubt you?" I told him everything happened from Puimek visit to our fight and now the silent treatment.

"I guess he is insecure, that's why he is jealous of her. If something happened between you two or atleast you reassured him, he will not be like this." I was looking at him blankly.

"I think you should make the first move. I feel he has some feelings for you and may be he is afraid of making first move because it might make you uncomfortable."

"Ok I will try" I said thinking about it.

"Oh dude I don't know what to do with you guys. You are making me give serious talks. I feel so weird." He was back to his dramatic self and I was chuckling at his antics.

We ordered some takeouts. Ohm and Fah left after having their dinner. We both cleaned everything and went to bed. I was still thinking about what he said.

I looked beside me. He was facing the other side. I know he was not asleep. I slowly crawled to his side and wrapped my arm around him.

Well there is nothing wrong in making the first move right?