Chapter 16: Fight

Nanon's POV

We were on the way to house in his car. We both were silent and it was raining heavily. He was constantly honking showing his anger on that poor horn. I finally brought up the courage and asked him,

"Why did you slap me?" Really? I mentally facepalmed myself.

"You were not in office, your mobile was switched off. I called Ohm and your parents, no one know your whereabouts. I was searching for you everywhere like a mad person. I was this close to filing a complaint. But here you are enjoying your life drinking and fooling around with her. What did you expect from me? To hug and pamper you?" Shit I totally forgot about my mobile and not even once it striked he would search for me. I was little guilty to made him worry about me.

"Guess you totally lost in her charm. I must really appreciate her beacuse she made someone who is 24/7 in mobile, to not check it even once" he said fuming and his lips was shaking in anger. This insult to her made me annoyed.

"Hey don't talk shit like that" I said to him.

"Oh wow! now I am talking shitty but what you did was great right? If there is nothing between you two call her now. Address her as sister." He was shouting. This is really childish.

"Oh god! Try to understand me. Because of her only I went to audition and got a chance to act in Mr. Singto's new movie" I was explaining him.

"What? You went for audition? Got a chance? Now you got many more excuse to hang out with her" he said irritated. I was holding my head. I am really running out of patience.

"You know I am interested in acting. She mentioned about an audition, I went and got selected. That's all. There is nothing more like you think." I said.

"I know your interest. But why didn't you try before? And suddenly interested to try now, after meeting her? Is it the acting or Puimek interests you?" He asked.

"Its not because of her. After the torturing sessions in your company, I realised I can't do something other than acting. I understood I should follow my passion. I can't go around checking comfort of commodes with your noisy dad anymore, got it?" I finally let it out.

He quickly halted the car. Then only I looked around. We were in our apartment parking.

"Don't talk anyting about my dad. You are not fit to talk about him" he said firmly and got out of the car. I was so angry now. I got out and called him. He stopped and I walked to him.

"I am not fit to talk about him? He has toilet company not some apple or microsoft company. For that shitty business I am more than fit to talk about him" I said.

"He gave his son and a job to useless shit like you! Why you stopped with this? Go ahead and trash talk about him you ungrateful bastard" he said and went inside.

How dare he insult me? He got inside the lift and I entered following him. I have to let it all out now.

"Did I ask for..." I entered the lifted asking him in loud voice, he quickly placed his fingers near his lips signaling me to shut up pointing to the kid in the lift. It was the same girl who came with her grandpa when we came here first. Not wanting to fight infront of the kid I stood quiet. We stood facing each other and the girl was in middle looking at our faces. This travel seemed long and awkward. The girl got out on 4th floor. After she left I spoke.

"Did I asked for this marriage? Did I ask for that job? I agreed to everything you all planned. You are right, I am not fit to talk." I hit the lift in frustration. "Fuck now I am regretting why I got married" I said.

"You are correct. Of course you will regret. If you are not married you can fool around with her and no one will question you. Now I am here asking you, of course you will regret!" He said.

"I am saying this much and still you are sticking with her. This is what you want to hear right? Fine I will say. If I am not married I will definetely go out with her. Happy?" I said.

"Then why did you agree that day? If you had said no I would have married the man my dad suggested. I would also be living happily!" He said in loud voice.

"Still there is time. Divorce me, go ahead and live with the man your dad suggested" I shouted back.

"Divorce? Divorce?" He was furious now. "You have thought upto that level?"

"Yes! Its better if we went our ways. It is better than living a life without love and understanding!" I said and he looks shocked now.

"Don't you love me? After all this time, not even once you felt love for me?" He asked in a low voice. His eyes becoming teary.

"No. I love you but not in that way" I said. Its now or never. I am not planning on living my life with regrets, hurting both of us.

"Oh ok" his voice was now barely a whisper. The lift opened on reaching our floor. He went to our house first. I stood outside the lobby for few more minutes and slowly went inside. When I reached our bedroom I could hear him inside bathroom. I guessed he was taking shower.

I went to balcony and stood there. The rain has calmed now. It was now small drizzle. My mind replayed everything happened today. I was thinking about what will happen next. Somehow I felt little sad I don't know why. I know things will never be the same hereafter. This thought hurt me.

"You can go ahead and shower. I will sleep here" he said not looking at my face placing the pillow on couch.

I know this will happen. But this distance hurt me more than I imagined. I just nodded and went inside.