Chapter 17: Golden Ticket

Nanon's POV

"So this is what happened. And now here I am waiting for divorce" I sighed after saying my full story. Now Arm was seated in chair at the small stage behind his table and Fiat was next to him in his chair. I sat opposite to them in my chair.

"Hhmm after hearing everything I came to conclusion. Its all your mistake. You decided to marry him when you are not sure about yourself. Then you decide to have feelings for some other person other than your husband. So its totally your mistake." Arm sounded like a judge giving his final verdict.

"Why I am blamed for all this? Its not my fault. Its the fault of god who made my fate like this, to get married to my friend and ruin the friendship. I haven't done anything. Its all fate and the person to be blamed is that God." I said loudly raising my hand above pointing the sky.

"Wow wow wow" Fiat said clapping his hands. "Very mature Nanon, very mature. Blaming everything on some supernatural thing." He remarked. "Also, you have to point in front you, not above" he said pointing to Arm.

"Huh...why should I blame him? He didn't do anything" I asked confused.

"Because he is the one who wrote your fate!" Fiat said and Arm nodded enthusiastically.

"Hahaha he is god? Then who are you?" I asked Fiat. I can't control my laughing.

"I am also another god" He said and I laughed loudly.

"This is the most funniest thing I heard today. Anyway thank you for entertaining me. I am leaving now. Its already 3pm." I said in between my laugh. They are really weird!

I came near the door, opened and stepped outside. Suddenly the place changed. Fuck! the whole building was in space and I could see Earth and other planets. This was like some scene in Zathura space movie. I quickly stumbled back and fell inside the room.

"You guys won't believe until we do some magic shit right?" I could hear Arm voice clearly but he was nowhere to be seen. Fiat was also missing.

Suddenly a door opened and golden butterflies came out from it. It was mesmerizing. My life has become some crazy fantasy movie! Arm and Fiat came through the door with their creepy smile. I was still lying on floor, Arm and Fiat came and bent next to me. I was afraid of them now.

"Since you said I am the reason for all your problems, I have decided to give you one special offer." He said and opened his palm. One golden butterfly came and sat in his palm. He did a snap and the butterfly turned into some kind of ticket.

"Have it" he said poiting the ticket to me. But he was suddenly stopped by Fiat.

"Boss, say the conditions before giving" he said.

"Oh right, I forgot." He said and began to say his conditions. "First, you have to have this golden ticket with you, always. Second, you cannot say about this ticket or meeting us to anyone. Third, if you shared to anyone, you will die" he said casually. I was too confused now.

He was pointing the ticket near my face, expecting me to get it. I was not sure to get it or not. But since I have no other option I decided to get the ticket from him.

As soon as I touched the ticket everything was surrounded by white light making me to close my eyes in protection.


"Hey Nano wake up...Nano wake up now or I am going to slap you" I woke up seeing Chi's face. I was too shocked and quickly looked around to see where I am. I was in a cab and it was raining heavily. I looked at Chimon and he was blinking at me confused. Finally it hit me.

I was back in the day where he asked to marry me!! I was freaking back in time!!!

"Hey why are you looking around as if you saw a ghost?" Chimon asked me.

"I...I had a bad dream." That's all I said.

"Ok I am getting off now "he said and got out. I am still too shocked to process everything. After he got out, I checked my pocket and found the golden ticket inside.

"Hmm Nano what about the question I asked?" Chimon asked me. And I was confused.

"About what?" I asked back.

"About our marriage" he said.

"About that, I can't marry you Chi. Let's be friends like this" I said and he looks surprised.

"Why are you rejecting me? Give me one vaild reason" he asked. I got triggered.

"Not one, I can give you 100 reasons" I said and I was about to start saying, out of nowhere I heard Fiat's voice.

"Go ahead, say to him and get ready for your funeral" he said. So I immediately stopped.

"Hello I am still here waiting for your reason." He brought me out of my confusion.

"Well...there should be love. You are my friend. I love you but not in that way. We can be friends" I said and he looked little disappointed.

"Ok...good night" he said and went inside. I know he was upset with this decision. But it is good for both of us.