Chapter 20: Coincidence

Nanon's POV

I was sitting anxiously tapping my feet and looking at door where Puimek was in. It was semi transparent glass door, I could only see her checking the file, checking the boy inside and suddenly she turned back to check in my direction. In a few seconds she opened the door and came out. Her face was painted with visible confusion. I quickly got up and went near her.

"Puimek, what happened? Did you signed the contract?" I asked fastly. She was looking back to the room and slowly spoke.

"I haven't signed yet. Producer says his son will be the hero but he doesn't suit the character. Everything is happening like you said! I am so confused" she said slowly and I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hey woman, its getting late. Come and sign now" the producer's son called Puimek rudely. Puimek was about to go inside but I quickly grabbed her hand.

"Please Puimek don't sign this. Wait and you will find some better production house. If it is messed up you can't undo. Sometimes even in life you can get second chance, but not in this industry...Someone experienced said this to me Puimek. Believe me." I was pleading her.

She thought for a moment and turned back to the young man. "Sorry sir...I am no longer interested in working with you" she said with a polite smile and went to the exit. My face brightened up on hearing this and I happily followed her.

"What an arrogant bitch!" the producer's son said and I was on the verge of hitting him. But Puimek held my hand and said, "thank god I didn't sign the contract" and showed her middle finger to the guy and walked out. I was more amazed now. She walked out cooly and I was like starstruck.

We were on the way to her house in my bike, I was still ranting about how awesome she was and how bold to do that.

"Non, you are with me from afternoon, don't you have any work?" She asked.

"No Puimek, I completed my arrears just 2 days ago. Moreover I am interested in acting" I said smiling.

"I have seen you act in school plays. You have the talent Non. Keep trying, you will definitely reach there" she said the exact same words. I laughed hearing that.

"And how did you know what was going to happen?" She asked puzzled.

"What? It is just coincidence!" I tried to convince her. We reached her home and she was about to leave when suddenly it started raining. She asked me to come inside her house and wait till the rain stopped. I happily accepted. I said a silent thank you to the god. My life was like a romantic fantasy movie now.

Her condo was simple and sweet like her. Walls were filled with posters of many movies. I recognized few movies. I sat on the sofa and she went inside her room to freshen up. I saw few photos with her friends and family.

"Do you want some coffee?" She asked me as she stepped out of her room. I nodded in affirmation. She went to kitchen to make the coffee and returned after few minutes. The pleasant aroma of coffee on this rainy evening made me feel like I am in heaven.

She handed my coffee and I was staring at her. The way she slightly blew over her coffee before she sipped it, how her hand was brushing her hair away from her forehead..god I am feeling giddy now.

"I wish this rain never stop"

"Um..why?" She asked to me. Shit! Did I said that out loud?

"Mm because we rarely get rain nowadays. It is hell hot here" I said and she nodded. Phew...crisis averted.

"Nanon, can you give your number?" She asked. I was feeling elated now. I gave her my number and she noted. Though I knew her number, I asked her again to avoid suspicion.

"My number is 9xxxxxx"

"721" I completed her. Good job Nanon, you successfully made her suspicious. I scolded myself in my mind. She looked at me puzzled.

"What? Is it correct? I just tried to guess" I said trying to convince her. She was not buying it.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It is just coincidence." I said firmly.

She was about to say something when door opened and someone came. A beautiful girl around same age as Puimek stepped in.

"Hey Namtarn, you are back early" Puimek said to that girl but she was looking at me in confusion.

"This is Nanon, my school junior. Nanon, this is Namtarn, my close friend and room mate." I politely waiid her and she returned my gesture with a sweet smile.

"Ok Puimek, I am leaving now. Thank you for coffee" I said and tried to get out quickly.

"Bye...but still I think everything was weird coincidence" she said and Namtarn started asking what happened. She was explaining her and I took my leave.