Chapter 21: Disappointed

Nanon's POV

I reached home feeling all happy with this new life. When I stepped inside I stopped on my way seeing my father at living room.

"Non, come and sit here" he said pointing to the sofa near him. He looked very serious. I sat obediently.

"Non, have you applied for any job? When are you going to work?" He asked in stern voice.

Now I am fully aware I can't do any desk job. I liked acting and I wanted to pursue it.

"My friend said he has some vacancy in his office..." my dad started saying and I quickly stopped him.

"Dad...I like acting. I am going to pursue it" I said without any hesitation.

"Stop kidding Non, I am serious here" he said.

"I am also serious dad" I replied back.

"Then why the hell I made you study engineering? Look at your friends, they already have a stable job and one got married! You are just embarassing me" he said loudly. My mom who was in kitchen came hearing his raised tone.

"Why dad? There is nothing wrong in acting field! I am not going to embarass you or mom! Please Let me do what I love dad"

I said and he quickly strode in my direction raising his hand to hit me. I closed my eyes anticipating his hit but I didn't feel it.

I opened my eyes to see my mom holding his hand mid way stopping him. He gave a glance at my direction and my mom and stormed out.

"Is it wrong to do what I like mom?" I asked her.

"There is nothing wrong son, I always wanted you to do what you love. I know you won't do any desk job" she said softly caressing my hair. I chuckled hearing that.

"What? I am your mom. Even as kid you can't sit in a place for 15 minutes. You always liked to roam around. I know you better than yourself" I smiled and hugged her.

"Why can't dad be like you? Can you exchange him?" I asked playfully and she smacked hardly.

"He is a good man. Give him some time he will come around eventually, he also loves you like me" she said.

We both had our dinner in comfortable silence. After dinner I helped her to clean up and came back to my room.

I took my mobile and found the battery was dead. So I put it on charge and laid down. My mind was filled with many thoughts.

I am really happy as I finally said about my passion to my dad. He has never beaten me but today he almost hit me. He may be disappointed in me, but I hope he will accept this. Atleast I have got my mom on my side.

I got to spend an entire day with Puimek, I was amazed by her. The way she handles the issues, the struggle she was facing to achieve her dream earned my respect to her.

I sighed heavily. I wanted to say everything happened today to someone. Usually Chimon will be there to hear my rants. But not now. I don't know why I am avoiding him. He was calling me from morning but I didn't even attend once.

I got my mobile and turned it on. There were 6 more missed calls from Chimon. I felt I needed to call him, but I don't know what to say after avoiding him. My thoughts were disturbed from the sudden ring from my mobile. I hoped it was Chimon so I could attend this and somehow convince him. But it was Ohm.

"Hello Ohm" I said yawning.

"Hello, Chimon is on call, he needs to say something" he stated annoyed. I quickly sat up, I didn't expect he would reach me this way.

"Hello Chi..." I said in a low voice.

"I agreed to marry Pluem. Coming weekend we are having engagement party. I wanted to inform this. If you can, please come" he said and quickly ended the call before I could speak anything.

"Non, why didn't you attend his calls? He asked to marry, you already answered no, then why the hell are you avoiding him?" Ohm was furious.

"I was busy with Puimek" I don't know what to say other than this.

"Puimek?! I am happy for you dude, but remember he is our friend! How can you avoid him for a girl you met 2 days ago?" He was waiting for my reply.

"That is not the only reason" I said quickly.

"Then what else is there to avoid him?" He asked back. He was so concerned for him.

"Even if I said, you will not understand" I said.

"Ok, I feel you have changed" he said slowly.

"No, I am not changed. I still don't like you" I said teasing him.

"Asshole" he cursed and end the call. I laid back on my bed.

Chimon is getting engaged this weekend, I feel it was too soon. I will definitely go to party but I am not sure I can face him.