Chapter 22: Engagement

Nanon's POV

It was sunday already. I got dressed up to go to Chimon's engagement party held in his house. When I stepped out of my room, I saw my parents watching some reality show in TV. As soon as he saw me, my dad got up and went to his room.

Things are like this after I said I am going to act. He stopped speaking to me, he doesn't even stay in the same room when I am there. I am not that close with my dad, but I miss him. I kind of miss his scoldings.

My mother looked at me and gave an apologetic smile.

"Non, why are you dressed up?" She asked checking me from head to toe. I haven't said about Chimon's engagement.

"I am going to Chimon's engagement party mom" I said tying my shoe lace.

"What? He is getting married? When? Who? Is it boy or girl?..." my mother was bombarding me with questions.

"I will tell everything tomorrow" I said and after putting my shoe, I got up to leave.

"I wonder why he didn't say to me or come to house and inform us" she mumbled fidgeting her hair. "Are you guys fighting?" She asked to me.

"Something like that" on saying this I quickly left the house. If I stayed there a minute longer, I will be playing 20 questions with my mom.


When I reached his house, there were already few people in the garden area, where the party will be held. Looking through the seating arrangement, I guess it was a small event with only few guests. There was small stage at the end of the aisle. Small lights provided a soothing ambiance.

I stood out thinking I should head in now or not. I haven't spoken to him after the call with Ohm. I don't know how should I react when I face him.

"Oii Nanon, why are you standing there? Go inside and take a seat, Mon and Pleum will arrive in few minutes" Uncle Off patted my shoulder and I politely waiid to him. Is it weird if I say I kinda missed him. When I was working in his company, he would always come early and welcome me with bright smile, patting my shoulder.

"How are you uncle?" I asked him smiling.

"Well...I am handsome" he said brushing his hair. I chuckled. This man will never change.

I went to party area, it would be disrespectful if I was outside even after he said. Moreover I should go inside and face him. Standing here will not change anything.

"Baby please...only today...I will not ask again....I will take you to the dinner I promised....please na baby" Ohm was pleading about something to Fah. Fah was sitting in front of him and he was pestering her from behind. He didn't notice my arrival.

I silently went and closed his eyes from behind and didn't say anything. I stopped Fah, who was about to greet me.

"Seriously Non? What are you, four?" Ohm replied in a boring tone. I removed my hands and sat next to him.

"I thought you won't come" he said not looking at my face. He was still upset about me avoiding Chi.

"Of course I will come! I am not going to miss my friend's engagement" I said and slowly smile crept on his face.

"Look, Mon is here!" Fah excitedly shouted. We turned back to see Chimon walking down the aisle with that Pluem guy.

Pleum was wearing a ash coloured suit. He was pale with chubby cheeks. His hair parted sideways. His face plastered a pleasant smile. He looks decent.

Chimon was dressed in white shirt with denim coat. As usual his hair set low covering his forehead. He was also smiling but it didn't reach his eyes.

When he saw Ohm, his eyes sparkled and his smile became extra wide. But it quickly dropped when he saw me. Ohm noticed this but didn't say anything.

They climbed the stage together and everyone went silent. Pleum grabbed the mike and said, "Thank you everyone present here for coming to celebrate this occasion. Everyone know it is a arranged marriage but I want to do this..." he said and quickly got down. He also pulled surprised Chimon with him.

He came to the centre of the aisle and started singing. Melody started playing in low sound. He was gently dancing while singing. Chimon was surprised watching everything. Everyone gathered around and started clapping in tune to the song. They were cheering for Chimon to dance with Pleum. Shyly he was also dancing.

Pleum held his hand for Chimon and he took it. They were slowly swaying to the melodious tune. Slowly Pleum placed his hands on Chi's waist. Chi was also surprised but quickly hid it with a smile. I didn't want to watch them dancing. I felt something churning in my stomach. So I quickly got away from the crowd and stood near a tree away from party area.

"What are you doing here?" Ohm came and stood beside me. Why can't I have a few minutes of peace?

He didn't pester me for reply. I turned to face him but he was looking at the crowd eagerly. I also got curious and turned to face the crowd.

There was Pleum on his knees, with the ring proposing to Chimon. Unconsciously I clenched my fist seeing this. Chimon nodded blushing. I quickly turned to look away from crowd.

"This guy is pretty romantic" Ohm commented. He turned me to face him. His face was serious.

"I don't know what is wrong with you both, but I hope you clear it soon. I can't stand seeing you both like this." He looked worried. I didn't think this will affect him this much.

"I will" I nodded smiling. I am also getting tired of all this. I miss him so much. I want my friend back.