Chapter 28: Thankful

Third person POV

Nanon was thinking about how to confess to Puimek and surprise her for her birthday. He was thinking about that for past 3 days but can't come up with a good idea. He browsed google for ideas, mostly it was cliche. Some of them were interesting but it was either expensive or so much time consuming. He felt it was not worth it.

"Nano, how is it?" Chimon asked doing a ramp walk and did a small twirl with his new shoe. They are currently in footwear shop at mall, to get new shoe for his wedding. As a part of deal, Nanon accompanied him to wedding shoppings.

"No, it doesn't suit you" he said and Chimon pouted. Nanon went and searched the collection and came with a new black shoe. He showed the shoe straight to Chimon's face who was trying to remove his shoe. Chimon glared at him and Nanon smiled apologetically. He sat next to him. "Try this" he said handing him the shoes.

Chimon let out a big sigh and removed the shoe he was wearing. He got the shoe from Nanon and tried it. Nanon helped him. Chimon got up and did a small walk. "I will get this. It is more comfortable" Chimon mumbled and removed them.

"Did you thought about any idea?" He asked handing the shoes to staff for billing. "I don't know Chi..everything sounds cliche." Nanon said sighing heavily.

"You call it cliche, some call it classic!" Chimon said winking. "Any classic ideas that caught your attention?" He asked. Chimon can say many ideas but he wanted Nanon to think and come up with his favourite. After all, it is his crush.

"Yeah, there is one." Nanon said smiling.

"What is it?" Chimon asked curiously. "It is making a birthday wish video. We should get wishes from all their favourite people and compile into a video..." he said "and you can add your confession at last" Chimon completed his sentence. Nanon just nodded his head.

"It is very classic but it will work. You should do this" Chimon said with an encouraging smile.

"But how would I know her favourite people? I barely knew about her" Nanon voiced out his hestitation.

"Arrghh..." Chimon wanted to pull his hair in frustration. "Idiot! You have to work for it! You can't expect for everything to come and fall in your hands" he said hitting him.

"Do you know someone close to her?" He asked and went to pay the bills. They both got the shoes and came out of the mall. Nanon was silent thinking till they reached the parking lot.

"Yeah! I know someone" Nanon yelled like Archimedes which echoed in that underground parking.

"Great! I was this close to thinking you are a lost cause" Chimon said showing the gesture in his hand. They reached the car and Chimon kept the bag at backseat. Nanon as usual took the passenger seat and Chimon went to drive the car. They slowly came out of the parking.

"Ok who is it?" Chimon asked once they reached the road. "It is Namtarn, her room mate and childhood friend. She introduced her when I went to her flat" Nanon said looking out.

"Ok then text her and ask for meet up" Chimon said and Nanon looked confused.

"What?" Chimon asked annoyed. "I don't have her contact" Nanon said in a matter of fact tone.

"So what? Find her social media account and DM her!" Chimon said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I could do that!" Nanon face lit up.

" are so dumb!" Chimon said shaking his head in a tired manner.

"Ok she agreed for meetup. When and Where should we meet her?" Nanon asked after few minutes.

"How about tomorrow? Ask her to come to cakeland around 11" Chimon said after thinking for few minutes. "Ok, fine" Nanon texted her and she agreed to meet him.

"Are we going there only to meet her?" Nanon asked suspiciously. He knew Chimon would select somewhere close and less fancy for friendly meetings. But cakeland is far and quite expensive place.

"Nope. Tomorrow we are going for cake tasting! We will select the cake for wedding" he said grining wide. "I just hit two birds with one stone" he smiled proudly.

"That's not a big deal" Nanon said, but Chimon couldn't care less of what he thought.

He dropped Nanon at his house. "Be ready around 10. I will pick you up" he said and left.

Nanon waved back and went inside. His mom was watching some series when he entered. She turned off and asked him to sit.

Nanon without any question sat next to her.

"Nowadays you look more happy Non!" She said caressing his cheeks. "I know mom. After reconciling with dad and Chi I feel more happy" he said nuzzling into her palm.

"Look at you acting like a kitten" his mom said chuckling. "Of course, I am tiny kitten.. meow...meow" he said playfully showing his dimpled smile.

"At least cat feed costs less than feeding this brat!" His father said playfully as he came inside.

"Oh dad! How can you hurt a small kid?" He asked showing his puppy eyes. "Hey stop that. Its annoying!" His dad said and he laughed. They were more happy now, all thanks to Chimon. Nanon owes so much for him, than he could imagine.

After a fun family dinner, he laid on his bed. He took his mobile and messaged him. It was just a simple 'Thank you' and 'Good night' message. He waited few minutes for reply but he didn't get one. Slowly he fell into a contented sleep.