Chapter 31: Trip

Nanon's POV

I got up early and after packing all my essentials, I left home. I already informed my parents about me going on a trip. My mom was okay with it but my dad half heartedly agreed.

It was 5.45 AM when I reached his home. I removed my helmet placing it on the bike and knocked his door.

Uncle Off opened the door with small smile. "Come in Non" he said and I followed him." Chimon is getting ready, he will be in 5 mins." He said and went inside. I sat and looked around. I remembered how last time I fled out of this place after realising how I hurted Chi and uncle Off. No. Stop thinking about it early in the morning Non. I stopped my train of thoughts.

"Here, have it" uncle Off came back with hot milk tea. God! In this chill morning, that hot tea tasted like piece of heaven. I was deeply indulged in tasting the tea. When I looked up, uncle Off was chuckling.

"When will you be back?" He asked.

"Sunday evening or night uncle" I replied assuring.

"Ok, drive safely. Even if something occured and you are running late, don't rash drive" he said with concern. "Sure uncle" I replied.

"Nano I am ready. Shall we leave?" Chimon came downstairs with his blue skinny jeans, black T shirt under his black jerkin. His hair covering his forehead as usual and his skin glowing with pink in his cheeks. Was he always this beautiful? Stop it Non. Don't go there.

"Thank you for tea uncle. Its really good" I said smiling and he returned the smile.

"Ok dad, don't miss me" he said hugging his father. "Hey! Are you going to elope with him? Why do you sound like that?" He asked gasping. I was also shocked.

"Yeah I want to, but too bad he is not willing" he said and uncle heaved a sigh of relief. Though he said it casually, I was thinking deeply about it. I thought he will say he want to marry Pluem, so he is not going to elope. But his answer totally got me off guard.

Without any delay, we left the house. I was driving and he was seated behind. The sky was slowly breaking to blissful morning. He was talking about something, excitement dripping from every word he said. He was holding on to me which made me smile like teenage boy with crush.

He went silent after sometime but I could hear rustling sound. I checked him through side mirror only to see him munching on some snacks.

"Hey! I am driving here but you didn't care to share with me?"

"Ok ok fine. I was about to give now." He said and shoved one cookie in front of me.

I slightly moved my head back to get the cookie.

"Hey its better if we stop somewhere and grab a bite" he suggested. Though I would love to have him feed me, it was risky. So we stopped by and had some snacks.

The rest of the journey he was talking non-stop. I never knew he had this side in him. All the excitement of the trip made him open up more.

We stopped by in front of the house of one of the friends in the list. He did all the explanation and got the wishes in video.

Meanwhile I was watching him, how he spoke to everyone, how keenly he was recording the video, how his tongue slightly protruded when he was concenterating fully. Damn...its so cute!

At this point it was like he is on mission to collect the video and I was just to accompany him. We had lunch at one small roadside shop.

The weather was chill occasionally drizzling. The lush green trees surrounding the roads we travelled, Chi happily talking while I was driving looked too good to be true.

When the dusk hit we were half done with the list Namtarn sent. We had a dinner in one of Puimek's relative house. They were really sweet people. They were very hospitable and even asked us to stay for the night. Since we had to cover one more person in the list, who lived nearby we refused it.

It started drizzling but we didn't find the address. As minutes passed by small drops of rain started pouring.

"Nano, its going to rain. Find somewhere to stay before rain gets heavy." He said yawning. Guess he is tired from all the travel.

I googled for hotels nearby. There was one hotel nearby. Others would take around half an hour. Since both of us are tired and it was slightly raining I drove there.

After few minutes of silent ride, I stopped infront of the hotel. LOVE PARK the neon light showed the name of hotel. I looked around as I found something odd. It didn't take long to find where we are. Chi got down looking around clueless.

"Chi...this place..." I mumbled.

"What about this place?" He asked yawning tiredly.

"This is a love motel..."