Chapter 30: Effort

Nanon's POV

I was checking the list Namtarn sent. There were around 25 people, few friends and relatives.

"Chi, I got the list" I said excitedly to Chimon, who was busy selecting the suit for his wedding. We are currently at this boutique famous for wedding suits.

"Good! Call everyone and ask them when they will be free and meet them to get video" he said still checking the suits.

"But, the problem is many of them are in next province"

"So what? Go and visit them" he said casually. Travelling 200 kms to get some videos looks like no problem to him.

"Chi, how about we ask them to send the video to my number? We can avoid the unnecessary tiring trip!" I asked hopefully. I felt its waste of time to meet each person and get their video. Asking them to take a video and send it to my number was way more simple.

He left the collection and came near me. He smacked my head and rolled his eyes.

"It is not the video that is going to impress. It is the effort you put that matters" he spoke like a philosopher.

"Wow Chi! You are genius! How did you know about these things?" I asked curiously. "Trust me, I know" he said smiling and picked up a suit and went to trial room.

I was thinking about what he said. He really liked handmade gifts. It might be super ugly, but if you made it for him he will value it like some rare artifact. As he says, its the heart that matters, not the thing they bought.

"Nano, how do I look?" I turned around to see on hearing his voice.

There he stood infront of the full sized mirror, adjusting his black suit. He turned and stood facing me. The shiny black blazer complemented his milky white skin. The top two buttons in his white shirt was undone exposing his neck. He looked ethereal. I was checking him from top to bottom.

On seeing me he asked, "how do I look?" With a wink and small smirk on his face. Those pink lips curved into small smirk. Damn! That was so sexy!

Wait! What am I thinking! Pull yourself together Non. He is not your husband anymore. He is your friend.

"Hello! Earth to Nano?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Huh?! What?" I asked blinking.

"I asked how am I looking?" He said motioning his hands up and down.

"You look like...uhm...prince" I said slowly.

"Not the reply I was expecting. But it will do. After all I am important like royalty on that day" he replied sassily and went to change.

I was back to my thought. Shit! What's wrong with me? When he was my husband I didn't see him this way. Now he is my friend and my mind is going haywire. I can't even share this to anyone now. me please!

"We already did" I heard Arm's voice. I checked around but no one was there. Like his warnings before, now he wanted to comment his point I think.

He said he helped me. But why this feels like punishment for what I did before? Chi is getting married in less than 10 days, but I am having this feeling for him. Why am I like this?

He came changed into his clothes after few minutes. We both left the shop and sat in his car. As usual he started driving.

"Nano? Anything happened? Why are you silent?" He asked while driving.

"Nothing, I was thinking how to contact everyone and meet them" I lied. How can I say I was still thinking about his incredibly sexy smirk?

"First, get the video from who are in Bangkok. Then we can get from others in next province over weekend." I nodded my head in agreement.


3 Days later

It was friday evening. Chimon and me were having some noodles in small roadside shop.

"Ai'Ohm, don't make me beg. It will not be tiring, I promise" I said and Chimon was laughing at my miserable attempt to convince him to come with me for getting videos. I got the videos from people who were in Bangkok.

Even after so much convincing, he refused saying he was going to his in-laws place in country side. I gave up sighing.

"I guess your attempts failed" he said with smug smile. "Yeah, he had to go to Fah's place." I said yawning.

"Don't worry Nano, you still got me" he said eating his noodles.

"WHAT?!" I screamed in shock. His wedding is on tuesday, we will be back only on sunday night. So I was requesting Ohm to accompany me.

"Why are you screaming?" He sushed and apologised to people sitting nearby.

"Are you kidding? Your wedding is on tuesday!"

"Yeah. So what? We will be back by sunday night" he said casually.

"What if something happened? What if we got late?" I asked concerned.

"Don't overthink! Nothing will happen" he said smiling.

"No, you are not coming with me" I refused.

"But why? Let this be my last wish before my wedding" he said.

"Its only wedding. Stop being dramatic" I said rolling my eyes.

"But seriously, see Ohm! He will always be ready for trips before marriage. Now he can't come. Our lives will definitely change once married. Please take me to your trip" he said with pleading eyes. Who can say no to that eyes? He really had cute eyes!

I flashed a smile remembering something. " you remember you asked for bike trip while we were back in college?" He nodded eagerly.

"Shall we go now?" I asked.

"Really?" He asked dropping the fork he was holding. I nodded smiling. "You are not joking right?" He asked again.

"Get ready tomorrow. 6 AM Sharp" I said.

"Oh my god!" He exclaimed and within a flash he was hugging me. "I love you so much Nano" he said and my heart skipped a beat. I know he said in a friendly way but I was way too excited to hear this.

I don't know what surprises this trip will hold. But I was excited for this trip.