Chapter 33: Claiming

Nanon's POV

He got up on top of me, his knees on both sides of my waist, straddling me. "No one asked you to control. Let it go" he said opening his shirt button and leaning down for a kiss.

I captured that sinful lips again like a starving beast.

Let it go....that's what I did.

I woke up panting. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and searched for my mobile. I just slept for an hour, then this erotic dream happened waking my mind as well as certain body part. I saw him still sleeping peacefully.

Without making any noise, I got out to calm my mind and get my thoughts straight. What is wrong with me? Why did I suddenly dreamt about him? That too like that?

It was still raining outside, but not a heavy downpour. I stood in the corridor facing the darkness, nothing in particular.

There was a song playing somewhere, it could be heard but not so loud. After few minutes, another familiar song was playing. It was Billkin's Skyline! One of my favourite! I moved little to the direction from where the sound came to listen clearly.

🎵Who would understand what love is?

We might not know each other by the first time we met

But once it gets you, it sticks in your heart forever

When we found each other

All the pain in the past was erased

You are the one true love that I've been waiting for! 🎵

God! his voice could melt the most cruel stone hearted person. He just pours his soul into it. I was revisiting the same old memory of our marriage and all our happy moments. I don't know why but I was thinking about the past alot now.

Do I miss those days?

🎵But our love seems to fade away

And it is not what I expected

If we were meant to be together

Why something keeps us apart? 🎵

As usual, my memory went to the bitter days of our marriage, where he was feeling insecure, no, where I made him feel insecure, where he saw me hugging Puimek, where I badmouthed his dad, where he brokedown when I asked for divorce.

🎵If the skyline keeps us apart, I'll break it through

If the mountain tears us apart, I'm not afraid

If time keeps me waiting, I'm glad to wait

But if destiny tears us apart, I have to give up, Don't I? 🎵

Why do I suddenly feel the urge to change everything happened that time? It was exactly what I am doing now, but why doesn't it feels right? Why I think I should have agreed to that marriage again, but corrected some other things by properly talking to him?

And what is that stomach churning feeling I get when I see him with Pluem, his fiance? Is it jealousy? I have no right to be jealous now. May be I was little bit posessive.

🎵In the end of love story,

There's usually a return of the one that got away

To tell somebody that he loves the most again

But the truth is

Our love couldn't be like that love story

No matter how hard we try, there's no way that I can get close to you 🎵

Wait, this line hits too close to home. I actually got a second chance to confess my love, but why my heart says that person was not the one for me? Why I don't get those butterflies in my stomach, whenever I met or texted with Puimek like before?

And what is with the dream I had now? Not even once I dreamt of kissing Puimek or thought about it. But I had a very wonderful dream of making love to him. Not fucking but making love. Though the dream had its effect on my body, I could feel it was not the lust. It was something more.

Do I love him?

🎵If the skyline keeps us apart, I'll break it through

If the mountain tears us apart, I'm not afraid

If time keeps me waiting, I'm glad to wait

But if destiny tears us apart, I have to give up, Don't I? 🎵

If I love him, how can I make it work? He is getting married in two days! When I was married to him, I liked Puimek. When I am not married to him, I like him! That too an engaged man! The hell! What's wrong with me? Why do I like it when something is forbidden?

There was hundreds of doubts and questions going on in my head. The song was over. Well, thank you Billkin, for making me confused emotional mess!

"Uhm-uhm" a small cough, brought me back to where I was. There was a man, in his early forty, standing next to me. I saw him in the reception area, when we came here.I saw him and just stared blankly.

"How much for an hour? Or the payment is for full night?"

What did he mean? Was he asking about room payment? I think, he saw the visible confusion in my face.

"The escort you brought" he said his eyes pointing the door to our room behind me. "I would totally pay a fortune to ruin that ass" he said with a smug smile.

In a flash, I held his collar brought his face close and punched him with my full strength. He was shocked by this sudden blow which didn't stop with one punch. His chin and lower jaw turning purple with the punch he recieved.

"Hey man calm down. If you don't like to share your escort its fine" he said only to recieve two more punch.

"Mind your tongue bastard! He is my husband!"