Chapter 36: Souvenir

Nanon's POV

P'Victor is that cab driver who encouraged me to go for auditions.

"No nong. Its my part time work. I have another dream and I am focusing on that...."

Its right, boxing is his passion. I couldn't help but smile on seeing him again and what I knew about him.

"Hey idiot! Why are you getting excited to see her ex?" Chi whispered near my ear.

"You won't understand even if I said" I said and he pouted confused.

"Hello P" I said smiling widely and he gave a weird look. "Apple, who are they?" He asked to his sister.

"They are P'Puimek's friends from Bangkok. They are here to get birthday wish video for her" she said, all the while he was examining us from top to bottom.

"Look here nong, I have hurted her more times. Seeing me again, will hurt her more. So you can leave now" he said and walked past us. Apple apologised for his brother's rude reply.

"I am scared what if I got injured and never get a chance to live with you?..."

"One minute P" I called him and he stopped in his tracks. "You haven't moved on from her right?" I asked.

His face was mix of emotions. He looked hurt, sad and left with a small sad smile without saying anything. But that was enough for me to know.

"He still loves her" I said and Chi asked surprised. "How do you know?"

"Trust me Chi, I know" I said. He just nodded. We both left from there. "Nano, give me the keys, I will drive" he asked as soon as we reached my bike.

"Why suddenly?" I asked handing him the keys. "Who knows, you might think about Puimek and her ex, get upset and drive straight into a truck! I want to live!" He said and I chuckled. My boy is over dramatic!

I silently sat behind him and he was driving. He knows to drive bike but he always prefers cars. He said car ride was more comfortable. We both were talking about the people we saw on the road, any picture perfect scenery and how was the people we met for video.

I moved closer with my hands on his waist, my chin on his shoulder, to speak near his ears as the wind was heavy making us not audible. I loved this. I wanted to hold him in my arms like this. I wish this was never ending journey.

"Are you stopping here?" I asked as he took the service road out from highway. There was a rest stop with few hotels and food stalls. "Yup...let's take a break" he said as he parked infront of a stall.

We both got a cool drink and sat in one of the tables placed outside. This drink was so cool against my dry throat. I was thirsty for a while from all the talking against the wind, but didn't want to stop the moment.

"Nano, just don't worry about her ex. Everyone has some past. You go ahead and confess, let her choose what she want" he said slowly. Oh boy, her ex is the least of my worries now.

"You look good today" I said and he gave nonchalant smile. "What happened to you? Suddenly complimenting me! You always tease I look like albino mouse" he said pouting.

"Well, somethings are understood only after some time. But you still look like albino mouse but cute one"

"Who are you? What you did to my Nano?" He asked seriously and I just laughed. My heart did skip a beat on hearing My Nano.

"Ok you keep laughing like idiot, I am going to restroom" he said and left. I sat silently watching around. A certain gift shop nearby got my attention. I got up and went inside the shop.

When I returned after few minutes he was near my bike. "Where did you go? I thought you left, until I saw your bike" he said.

"Well my keys are still with you, Also my heart , how can I leave?" I said and handed him the bag I bought. "Its a gift for you" I said and he got it from me and eagerly opened.

"Pikachuu" he smiled happily at the small plush toy I got for him. I know he loves pikachu so I got one for him.

"Why suddenly?" He asked. "Its a souvenir, to remember this trip." I replied.

"Thank you" he said smiling widely. I got the keys back from him as I insisted on driving. He gave to me and took the back seat. I started my bike and slowly connected to the highway.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and said in my ears, "just so you know, I don't need any souvenir to remember this trip. It was very memorable" he said smiling. I smiled back.

I drove to our place in silence at moderate speed. Though it was tiring I don't want to end this trip quickly. He was sleeping soundly holding onto my waist and head resting on my shoulder.

It was around 8 pm when we reached his home. He woke up as soon as the bike stoped. He looked around confused cutely as he suddenly woke from sleep. After realising his home, he got down slowly yawning.

He handed the camera to me. "Make sure you record your wish and compile it. Bye" he said and turning to leave.

I quickly pulled him to a hug. He also hugged me back. "Thank you for the trip Nano" he said as he pulled away.

I wanted to confess my feelings. It was painful to watch him walk away. But all the bitter moments came rushing and I left silently without anyword. I don't want to hurt him now and forever.