Chapter 37: Gift

Nanon's POV

"Wow! Mr. Off really went all out for his son's wedding!" My mother said as soon as we entered the wedding venue. I didn't even park but she was ready to jump out. My dad as usual watched everything silently.

We reached inside the venue which was well decorated, looks expensive but not extravagant. All the decors were selected by Chi and everything was perfect.

"Non! Come here!" Ohm called as soon as we entered showing a silent waii to my parents. I reached to take a seat beside him. Fah who was already there got up and went to sit with my parents. "I don't want to listen to your talks" that's what she said before leaving.

"Hey Non, how did your confession went? Did she accept? By the way where is she?" He asked looking around.

"Everything went well as I expected" I said and he hugged immediately. "Finally you are also settling down!" He said showing his wide smile.

"So, when is she coming?" He was hyper now. "Calm down, she will come" I said as if on cue Puimek came inside.

"Hi Non" she said smiling like sunshine. "Thank you for the birthday gift", she said and soon her gaze fell on the entrance, where I saw P'Victor coming in hesitating.

As soon as he saw Puimek, his smile grew wide, he stood beside her, his arms resting on her waist. He smiled seeing me and I also smiled back. Ohm was beyond shocked seeing everything.


Puimek came to the movie screening ground in her neighbourhood as expected. She was walking looking around suspiciously as there was no one except her. I specifically spoke with authorities in neighbhourhood to make a private screening. I remembered she said she want to see a movie here alone. So I decided to surprise her.

I started playing the video I compiled.

"Hello Puimek...I know its your birthday. I wanted to make this day as special as possible. So here you go...."

She was surprised to see my face on the big screen. She laughed and sat down to watch. At first, everything was her childhood photos. Then all the wishes from her favourite people played. Her reaction was priceless! She teared up seeing everyone. Then finally my face popped up again gaining a small chuckle from her.

"Happy birthday Puimek! I admire you a lot! You are one of the strongest person I met, you inspire me! So keep rocking and don't lose hope. Last but not least, here's your birthday gift from me...."

The video ended and Puimek was looking at every direction to possibly see where I am or what gift I will give.

"P'Victor...go ahead. You already wasted more time" I said patting his shoulder who was hesitating to go. But after few seconds he got the cake and walked to her.

I figured it was the best to do. I know Puimek also didn't move on and both of them were tormenting inside. I called him as soon as I reached home after dropping Chi at his house. It didn't take a lot to convince him. He was finally here.

I saw them from far. I saw both of them in tears. I couldn't hear what they were speaking but after few minutes they were hugging each other. I assumed everything went well. I got my bike and left from there. I was not even sad, all I felt was proud.


"Thank you Non for giving me this second chance. I will never let her go" P'Victor said with a determined smile and Puimek blushed.

Pluem was on the stage and everyone was on their place. "Ok we will talk later" Puimek said and went with him to sit in front rows.

"You idiot!" Ohm yelled earning displeased look from others. He gestured to apologise and whispered as I sat.

"What were you thinking? Are you trying to play hero by making them get together?"

"Well they both love each other. All they needed was a chance" I said nonchalantly.

"Then what about you?" He is really pissed off.

Wedding march started playing and he went silent. Everyone got up to see Chi entering the altar with uncle Off. He was smiling and the wedding suit fitted him well. But something was missing. It didn't look good as it looked when we went for trial.

"Don't you feel jealous when you see your loved one standing close to someone not you?" Ohm whispered glaring. I saw his face and I was shocked to see him smiling widely now. I was surprised and saw where he was looking. Chi was looking at us so I also smiled back. Other things can wait.

As soon as he passed, "Don't you feel like your chest aching when you see the person you loved with another?" Guess he was still hanging on to this. I am pissed now.

"Yes I felt...when I saw Chi with Pluem" I said and left quickly. I am not ready to see him getting married. I mentally prepared to face it before coming here. But all those questions from Ohm, crumbled everything.

I walked and sat outside the cafe across the venue. I felt a strong gaze and I know who it was.

"Do you love Mon?"