Chapter 38: Questions

Nanon's POV

I walked and sat outside the cafe across the venue. I felt a strong gaze and I know who it was.

"Do you love Mon?" Ohm asked sitting next to me.

I nodded. There is no point in hiding and he will never leave till he gets what he want.

"Why didn't you say to him?"

"You won't understand even if I said" I said and he was pissed now.

"Fine, then I am going to say" he stood up to leave but I stopped him.

"Are you crazy?" I yelled ignoring the stares we got.

"No, are you crazy? You love him but how can you let him go?" He asked with same anger.

"I have to let him go, that's what good for us" I said and sat down tiredly. He also slouched down next to me.

"Then what is stopping you Non? Why are you not saying?" He asked in sad tone. How can I say I will hurt him and eventually divorce him if we got married?

"You won't understand even if I said" and before I could guess he smacked me hard.

"What is this for?" I asked rubbing my arm. This bulk guy decided to ignore I am his friend when he hit.

"If you say that one more time I will kill you, I swear" he said furiously. We both sat there silently for few minutes to calm ourselves. Then he stood up abruptly.

"Where are you going?"

"To say that you love him" God! Why this idiot is so keen in saying this to him. I wanted to slap him but I held myself.

"You can't do that" I said firmly.

"I know him well. If he knew you love him, I am sure he will cancel this wedding."

"Don't act like a teenager. You know he already went down the aisle."


"But what? Do you expect he will throw everything and leave the altar because I love him?"

Without thinking he nodded furiously. God...this idiot!

"Shit like that happens only in movies! He is more practical, he will not do such stupid thing" I said trying to explain. His head was hanging low getting what I was coming to say.

When he lifted his head up, his face broke into a wide grin. "Why are you smiling like a idiot?" I asked annoyed.

"Well, some movie shit is happening behind you" he said and made me turn to see what was happening.

I was shocked to see Chimon walking out of the venue untying his tie and threw it carelessly. He waved his hand to stop the cab and quickly got inside removing his cufflinks.

Both me and Ohm can't believe what we saw. Did he just ran away from the wedding?

"Dude, come we have to follow him" Ohm nudged bringing me out of my thoughts. We both got on his car and followed him. We barely managed to get a hold on him before he completely disappeared from our sight.

We were following him without any idea. After few turns, we figured where he was going. This boy was heading to Black gift bar.

We followed him after few minutes. He was drinking his shot of vodka. When he saw us he gave a unsurprised look, like he was expecting us.

"John, three more shots please" he said to John who was cleaning some broken glass in his counter.

"He was shocked to see me and dropped the glass he was holding" Chi said laughing. Ohm sat next to him and just smiled. He was so happy that Chi ran from the wedding.

"Did you run away from your wedding just to drink?" He asked in a funny way sounding not even in fake serious tone.

Chi just smiled and they both chugged down on the drink John brought.

Are they serious?

I stood there waiting for their attention. "Here Non, take your shot" he said placing my shot infront of me.

"Why did you run away from the wedding?" I asked seriously. But he didn't even flinch. He was still grinning like a kid.

"I asked why you ran away?"

"I don't want to marry him" he said casually.

"Then why did you agree for that marriage?"

I asked furiously.

"Wow wow, now tell me why you didn't confess to Puimek?" He asked back.