Chapter 40: I love you

Nanon's POV

I woke up squinting my eyes to the bright light. Last thing I remembered was seeing the same bright light before everything went dark.

I got up and I couldn't feel any pain. Did I die and woke up in heaven? Wait, do I even have a chance to be in heaven?

"Game over Nanon, you are dead in that life" I heard Fiat's voice ahead of me. I tried to adjust my eyes and opened to see Arm and Fiat standing in front of me.

I looked around panicked to see where I am and found myself in Love court building where I got that golden ticket.

"Welcome back Nanon" I saw Arm and Fiat watching me with a smirk. "Did you enjoy the fate you decided?" Fiat asked in a mocking tone.

I ignored him and went near Arm. I was still in my knees and he was looking at me expectantly. "Please P'Arm, give me one more chance! I will definitely say 'yes' and correct everything" I asked pleading.

"Give me one good reason, why I should do that?"

"I love him. I want to live with him." I said immediately after he asked.

"Good reason but I can't do" he said casually.

"Please P'Arm..." I sounded desperate because I was.

"What about this life? He is still alive and you are also. You can live the life you wanted now itself" he said.

"But P, he is still angry with me. If I met him, he will definitely say yes to the divorce" I said worried. There was just an hour for our hearing, I was big idiot and made him mad even when he fainted.

"You haven't learnt your lesson!" Fiat said sighing.

Arm just smiled. "Non, instead of begging to me, go beg your husband. All he wants is your love! when or how you say doesn't matter to him" he explained like explaining to a kid.

Yes, if he was ready to leave altar for me, he will definitely think about before saying yes. I said to myself.

"You are getting late Nanon" he reminded showing the clock. I have to hurry. I got up and headed to the door.

"P'Arm, can I hug you?" He said he is god. It was ridiculous to ask. But to my surprise, he opened his arms wide. I ran and hugged him. "Thank you for everything" I mumbled and he just gave his charming smile. I hugged Fiat also and ran to the door.

As soon as I stepped out of the building, the building disappeared. But I had no time to ponder. I got a cab and went to court quickly.

When I reached there, he was seated in a bench inside the court premises. Ohm was offering him water but he refused. I quickly walked upto him, but his lawyer stopped me.

"The hearing is in just 20 minutes Mr.Nanon, you can talk later."

"But sir, I have to talk to him something important. Please just 5 minutes..." he turned to ask his permission and he just nodded. So he didn't stop me.

"Chi, I want to talk to you something important" I said softly. "Say" that's all he said. Ohm was also expecting what I had to say.

"I want to speak to you in private" pointedly looking at Ohm. He got up and came near me.

"You better don't say something stupid" he said, his voice showed both concern and threatening tone. How is that even possible?

I sat near him and he didn't even look my face. It hurted to see him like this.

"I am sorry Chi"

"For what?"

"For everything, for insulting your father, for hurting you, when you did everything to make me happy."

"Oh, now you realised?" He asked facing me for the first time after morning.

"Yes, I was so stupid! I don't want to divorce you, I need you in my life" I said. He turned fully to face me.

"But why Non?" What no more Nano? My heart breaks just to hear him call my name like everyone else.

"I love you Chi" I said boldly. I no longer wanted to beat around the bush. He looked at me shocked.

"I finally realised how important you are to me. You are such a rare gem Chi. Infact, I don't deserve someone as special as you. But I want you to be my life partner. To take care of you like you always did for me. You were in every step of my life till now. I want that till the end. I want to visit many places around the world with you or if you want just sit in our home with you not even going out. I want to fight with you, make up with you...."

I stopped when a tight slap landed on my cheek. He was not furious but his eyes were full of tears.

"You are not drunk right?" He asked slowly.

"No I am very much sober, I love you Chi"

"But what about Puimek?"

"You mean P'Puimek" he was surprised to hear me address her as P. "She is like a sister to me. I can even call her and address as sister" I said smiling.

"What about your acting? Will you flirt and do intimate scenes with your co-star?"

God! At this point I was ready to accept even if he didn't allow me to act. But as usual he valued my interest more.

"I will do only if it is absoultely necessary" I said sincerely.

"Do you really mean everything you said Nano?"

My heart skipped a beat hearing him call me Nano again. There was doubt evident in his eyes.

"I meant every word Chi" I said and he smiled.

"But what if...."

I immediately pulled him close to me grabbing his collar. He looked shocked and confused. "Nano what are you..."

I captured his small cherry lips in a kiss. He was shocked and try to push me but I didn't budge. Slowly he closed his eyes and I felt him relaxed. I was nibbling his lips all the while my hands wiping the tears from his cheek. We both pulled for much needed air.

"Ouch...what's that for? I asked shocked as he slapped me again. "Idiot" he said and now he grabbed me with his hand on my nape bringing me closer. He kissed me now slowly. Wow! It was better than I dreamt about. I let him take the lead and he kissed me passionately.

"Oh wow!" We pulled away hearing Ohm. He was shocked and dropped the two cups of coffee he bought. "I have gone away for 10 minutes and what just happened?!" He asked and we both blushed getting caught.

"Shut up Ohm!" I said firmly. He avoided me and asked Chimon, "what happened? You are not getting divorced right?" He asked still concerned.

"We are not getting divorce Ohm, someone here begged me to stay with him and confessed his love" he said sassily.

"Really dude? What happened to you? You were hell bent on getting divorce this morning and now you did a total 180!"

Chimon was also expecting my answer along with him. I thought of what to say, but I couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation for my change.

"You won't understand even if I said" I said carefully. The last time I said this he was ready to throw hands.

"Who cares about that? I am just so happy you guys are together" he said and pulled us both into a hug. "I am so relieved." He said and we both patted his shoulders.

He moved back from the hug. "Ok, I am going home. Fah is calling me nonstop. My little angel misses me, so she is troubling her mother" he said and left quickly. We both watched him go. His lawyer approached us and we both explained we don't want divorce. He was happy but also angry because we wasted his and court's time. We apologised but he blessed us and left.

I opened my hand in invitation, "shall we go?"

"To where?"

"To our home" I said and he held my hand.

We both held our hands and walked out from there. Everything felt perfect at this moment.

Me. Him. Us. That's all mattered now and forever.