
Nanon's POV

3 months later

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt two hands caressing my cheeks. I automatically smiled thinking of Chi waking me like this. As I came from shoot very late I was very tired and can't open my eyes. Yes, I was selected and casted as main lead in Mr.Singto's new movie. As expected my dad didn't agree, but Chi and uncle Off helped me to convince him. So for the past two months I am busy with acting classes and shoot.

Then I felt him lean on my stomach and poking my cheeks. Why does he feel light?

He kept on poking my cheeks so I caught his hand, wait, why it is so small? I quickly opened my eyes to see Pearl grinning widely.

Pearl is our neighbhour P'Yihwa and P'Cho's 3 year old daughter. They moved here around two months back. She used to come here and play with us when P'Yihwa comes to ask any help. She is such a cutie, she mostly plays with Chimon because I was away for some acting class or shoot. But still she also liked me because of my dimples. She said if Chimon had dimples like me, she will not get away from him and talk with me! Can you believe that?

"P'Chi... P'Nano is wakey!" She said happily. I groggily got up from my position and made her sit in my lap.

"Pearl did you wake him? I said he is tired no?" Chi came in asking seriously. But who can get angry on that cute little angel?

"No P, he was wakey, Pearl didn't do" she said innocently playing with my fingers. I chuckled hearing that.

"Nano, I am sorry, P'Yihwa said she had some important work, P'Cho is out of town and her friends were also busy. So she asked us to babysit her. I already told Pearl you are tired but she sneaked away" he explained.

"Its fine Chi, I was not that tired" I said yawning. He just gave a sarcastic smirk. "Yeah, not tired at all" he said and left the room. Pearl also got up and followed him. I brushed my teeth and freshened up and came to see him feeding her food.

"Did you prepare that?" I asked slightly scared. We both still suck at cooking and I didn't want Pearl to get food poison and face the wrath of P'Yihwa. She can be scary if she wants.

Seeing my scared expression he laughed. "No, P'Yihwa made her food. I just had to reheat it" he said. "Okay" I said and went to get coffee for me.

"Its bad. Milk is only good" she said pointing to her sippy cup with milk. "But P like this" I said pouting. "Okay but don't drink always" she said in strict tone. I can't help but pinch her adorable cheeks.

"Pearl, you should not talk while eating, come here, say aaaahh" he was trying to feed the remaining food. He was looking so cute with her and trying to baby talk with her. My heart can't handle this much cuteness!

"Why looking at us?" Pearl asked when I was admiring them. "Because you both look cute" I said making her smile happily and Chi red with heavy blushing.

"Really P? Pearl or P'Chi? Who is cute?" She asked cutely. I was pretending to think for a long time. "Pearl is more cute" I said and she came closer to me and made grabby hands.

I lifted her up and made her sit in my lap. "P'Nano is good. Uncle Korn says uncle Knock is cute not me" she said pouting. I guess Korn and Knock must be her parents friends.

"I said you are cute right? What gift will you give for me?" I asked squishing her cheeks. She just thought for a second and kissed my cheeks. "Papa says this is the best gift" she said smiling. "Yes Pearl, its the best" I said returning her kiss.

We both were talking about her friends and her toys when Chi went to attend a call. He came after few minutes with worried face.

"What happened Chi?"

"My dad called. Something came up in office and I have to go now" he said slowly.

"Ok, why are you so dull for that?"

"Can you handle her? You are already tired!"

"Its fine Chi. I can manage. We are going to have lots of fun" I said tickling her and she was giggling. He stood there thinking something.

"Ok fine. I will come fast as soon as I can" he said and got his mobile and car keys.

"No goodbye kiss?" We both were surprised to see Pearl who was playing with her doll asked expectantly.

"Of course angel" he said and pecked her cheeks. He got up to leave, "not for P'Nano?" She asked making him go red. "No" he muttered to say.

"But papa kisses mommy" she said seriously. He looked at me for help but I went along with her. I pretend to be sad.

"Fine..." he sighed and gave a peck on my lips and left immediately before Pearl could ask or say anything. I smiled seeing his retreating back.

"Ok princess, what shall we play?" I asked focusing my attention on Pearl who was playing with her plush toy.

"No princess. Mommy says we are queen" she said seriously. I couldn't help but feel sorry for P'Cho. Its going to be tough to handle two queens.

"Ok Queen, what do you want to play?" I asked as a butler serving the queen. She chuckled seeing my gesture.

"Shall we play hide and seek P?" She asked hopefully. "Of course we can" I said and she yelled happily.

I closed my eyes and started to count and she was running around frantically. After few minutes silence I went to search her.

"Where is our queen?" I called for her searching in our living room and kitchen. Though I had an idea where she will be, I pretended to search for her. Then I opened our bedroom searching for her.

I bent down to see under the bed but I couldn't find her, but I found something. It was like a book, I reached out to get that book. It was like a diary, with letter 'C' beautifully calligraphed at the cover. I guessed it was Chi's journal. I have seen him writing somedays before sleeping. I was curious to know what he was written in it. I opened to read but I heard small muffling laughter.

Shit! I totally forgot her! I kept the journal at top shelf and went to check in the closet. The little mouse was hiding there. As soon as I opened the door she attacked with her plush toy.

"Ok ok, queen, show some mercy" I said as I was suffering from her hits. She laughed and ran out. I was always the catcher, and she would hide, I will search her. After playing for almost 30 mins, I saw her yawning and rub her eyes tiredly.

"Pearl, do you want to sleep?" I asked lifting her off her feet. She immediately slumped on my shoulder. I let her slowly on our bed covering with a duvet. Within few minutes she fell asleep. Then I secured her with pillows so she don't roll and fall in her sleep. Then I carefully got that journal from the top shelf.

I held that and was having a dilemma to read it or not. I know its invading his privacy, but I want to know more about him. Reading this might help. Finally after a long thought, I opened to see what was written.

At first, there was a baby picture of him with his mother, then followed by one with his father, next few pages were filled with picture of three of us from school days till college. I smiled seeing the pics.

Then there were some pages about our school trip together, then our college admission, then the college trip, it was very unique moments of our life.

I skipped few pages and came to the page filled with many heart stickers.

I still can't believe he said yes and we are married now. I can't believe without confessing I got to marry my crush. I don't know how or when it started. I felt a special feeling towards him which is definitely more than best friend. Maybe it would have started from our college days, but I felt and acknowledged the feeling only during our trip. That trip was really something. I know I should have confessed but it could ruin our friendship which I was not ready to lose. But things turned out well.

I know he doesn't feel the same like me. I think he could develop feelings over time. That's why I am not going to force him. I believe time can change everything.

May be this could be the beginning of our happily ever after.

It was his entry before our wedding. He was so excited, I could tell from his writing. Then I kept reading, he had penned down very small moments but which mattered a lot to him. Then slowly the entries were about Puimek, and me who still behaved like a love sick teenager around her, then about our fight that night where I mentioned about divorce.

I felt tears running down my cheeks when I read how he suffered that time. I felt ashamed and guilty of how I made him feel.

Ding dong

I quickly wiped my tears and went to answer the door. It was P'Yihwa.

"Hello Non... hey are you alright?" She asked worried seeing my puffed eyes.

"I am fine P. She is sleeping" I moved and let her inside. "I will help you P" I said lifting the sleepy Pearl to their house. I laid her on her small bed. P'Yihwa walked me till the door.

"P, can I ask you something?"

"I was waiting when you will come to talk" she said as she expected this.

"You hurt someone and feel sorry for it, later you apologised and that person forgave you. But later you came to know how much that person was hurted, and you still feel guilty, what will you do P?"

"That's very specific" she said thinking. "I guess will apologise again and make sure I won't repeat it" she said slowly.

"Non, if that person really matters to you most, there is no wrong in apologising more than once and show your sincerity" she said.

"Thank you P" I said. "Ah ah its like fate of my life to help couples" she mumbled.

I came back to our home and decided to cook something for him. I decided to make one of his favourite dish, fried rice with kimchi. I looked up youtube videos for recipe and followed everything as they mentioned. The result was not so great but it was edible.

I made the dining table and waited for him. After an hour or so he came home looking tired.

"Hmm what a nice smell! Did you order something?" He asked as soon as he stepped in.

"No, I cooked" I said proudly.

"Really?" He asked with unbelievable expression plastered all over his face.

"Suddenly I don't have appetite, sorry Nano" he acted to avoid my food.

"Hey I am not that bad"

"I would totally belive you if hadn't tasted your sugar soup"

"Its coconut spicy soup"

"Yup very spicy with added sugar" Chi was hell bent on teasing for that small mistake I did once.

"Fine I will throw it" I said pouting.

"Wait, just kidding. I will freshen up and come" he said and went to our room.

"Mmm Its actually tasty. I can't believe you made it" he said happily munching the food I made for him. We had the dinner with casual talk and he told what happened at work.

"Ok now say what you want to say" he asked settling on the couch.


"Come on I know you want to say something" he said snuggling close to me.

"I am sorry Chi" I said holding his hands which perfectly fits mine.

"For What? did you do something wrong?" He asked still slowly caressing our joined hands.

"For what I did before. I was stupid and hurt you."

"You already asked sorry for this"

"I don't know, I still feel guilty about that"

"What do you expect me to do? To leave you forever as punishment?" He asked moving away.

"NO" I almost shouted.

"Then shut up." He said pulling me to rest my head on his lap and started caressing my hair. "Its already over Nano. I don't want to dwell in the bitter past. I am happy with you now. That's all matters to me. I don't want you to feel guilty, everything happens for a reason, you take the good part from it, learn your lesson and move on. Nobody will reach anywhere when they stick with their past regrets. Its good to make mistakes and learn from experience. If I had a chance to change anything in the past, I would not change anything. Because everything happened matters to me because the result of it was this happy moment." He leaned forward to press soft kiss on my forehead.

"Mm I won't think more about that"

"Yes, now show your dimpled smile". He said and then started tickling me. I quickly got up from his lap and tried to counter attack him.

We both stopped panting heavily. Our smiles were wide like we are some carefree children.

"I love you Chi"

"I love you too" I leaned to peck his lips. But he returned with kiss.

"No more feeling guilty, got it?"

"Yes sir" I did a salute.

"I want to ask one more thing" I asked still holding him in my hug.

"What now?"

"Shall we go on our honeymoon?"

"Really? Are you free?"

"Of course, I will manage to take leave."

"Then shall we go to Maldives?" He asked excited.

"Sure we can go!" I said and he hugged me happily.

I got up lifting him along with me in bridal style and headed to our bedroom.

"Oii what are you doing? Let me down! I can walk!" He protested but once I faked to drop him, he was scared and holding on to me tightly.

"What are you doing?"

"Sneak peek of our honeymoon" I said winking and he was blushing.

I dropped him on the bed and sat next to him. He was looking everywhere but me. "Look at me Chi" he did as I said.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

We said and sealed the deal with a kiss.