three days later Eragon and I rode into a small but bustling fishing village I noticed there was quite the many different races here from humans, dwarfs, and elves to mutants and sea folk like mermaids hell as we slowly road through the town I even seen a huge humanoid shark with several water like tattoos going across his chest this humanoid shark was at a fish stall sniffing all the sea fish that the fisherman had cot that day another thing I noticed was the mix of foods especially the fish there was a wide range of fish ranging from sea fish to more river fish just what sort of river did we stumble across father I chuckled and looked back to Eragon saying one that I have never seen that's for sure Eragon nodded before continuing to look around with wide eyed I chuckled scanning him over he had evolved on the second day and so now he looked more like a 18 to 19 teenager his old clothes was gone do to him outgrowing them what he had on now was a set of black pants plus a green long sleeved shirt the sleeves rolled up to his elbows over all this was a black and green poncho that had a hood on both of his hips was his long bone daggers and slung on his back was a quiver of arrows with red feathers and a bow he had his hood up as he looked around I smiled nodding he has come a long way in a short time but where we are heading is going to be the true test I nodded again before looking forward my normal cold expression on my face but my eyes shined with pride but that shine faded ones I heard a familiar voice call my name Hunter hi Hunter is that your!!? I looked up and to the side and there standing next to the shark man was a 20 something year old woman her dark blue fish like scales and bright red sea weed like hair made her stand out but if that wasn't good enough the long whip like tail behind her and her bright yellow eyes with a blood red slit in the center of them made this woman stand out and we haven't even covered the bright blue robs the woman was wearing or the sea shell armor over her robs but something stood out to me she had on a strange kilt like cloth around here waste and no shoes but around her neck was a familiar cold coin and that shark smile I would recognize anywhere Sharky I yelled is that you the woman laughed which showed off her very sharp white shark teeth as she put her hand on her hips as she yelled back with a arrogant voice who else would it be besides do you know a merfolk of this caliber and she popped her hips and did a little spin to prove her point I chuckled moving Artemis to face towards her as I responded in a mocking voice yea you are the most beautiful and stunning merfolk I know Sharky nodded and opened her mouth to speak but I continued ones more your the only merfolk I know she hissed at my words before clicking her tongue responding yep your defiantly the Hunter I know no one else is that much of a smart ass I laughed ane got off Artemis before walking up to this woman and gave her a big hug saying its good to see you Sharky she chuckled hugging me back its good to see you to death walker it has been to long I nodded we separated as Sharky looked to Eragon and raised a eyebrow before looking back to me who's the kid I chuckled and stepped back o right introductions Hello Sharky my name is Hunter AzmoNekros and this and I put my hand on Eragons shoulder as he walked next to me I grinned at her saying is my son Eragon Briar Nekros Eragon slammed a hand to his chest before bowing his head to Sharky saying It is a pleasure to meet you my lady Sharky looked at him with a raised eyebrow before looking towards me with a huge grin asking you sure this is your kid Hunter he differently doesn't act like it I chuckled responding o he differently is my kid he is just trying to seduce you with pretty words I then kicked Eragon in the ass as I said quite hitting on your gay ant you perv my kick made him jump into the air holding his ass as he turned to me hissing what was that for old fuck I chuckled and crossed my arms shrugging putting my son in his place what else do you really think Sharky would fall for a pup like you when your full grown beast of a father is standing next to you hahaha ones more I have known Sharky way longer then even Layla don't you think I would have shot my shot if it was possible Eragon hissed and lunged at me saying what beast of a man all that I see is a small lizard but I simply put him in a head lock with one hand and looked up to Sharky with a grin saying you see what I mean she broke out laughing which sounded like sandpaper rubbing against its self she nodded wiping a tear from her eye saying I take it back he differently is your son haha O right introductions she then moved a hand behind her back and stood up very prim and proper like before giving a very gentlemen like bow as spoke my name is Sharky Red Trident the 69 daughter of the land shaker and god of the seas Poseidon and the daughter of Keto the goddess of sea monsters and huge sea creatures this big and adorable lug behind me is my protector Cupcake the big humanoid shark behind her quickly stood up straight and turned around to face towards us but when he did his huge shark tail slammed into the fish stall behind him which made the boxes of fish be whipped off the table the big turned around quickly and tried to catch the boxes but he stumbled over his tail and with a loud crash he fell through the fish stall almost landing on the seat old man who was selling the fish as all this happened I seen Sharkys face get darker and darker as the noises happened behind her she side and stood up covering her face in embarrassment but when she turned around she side on relief when she seen the boxes of fish being held up by shadow tentacles and Cupcake had a huge shadow tentacle around his waist that suspended him up so he didn't fall on the old man who was looking up at cupcake huge white sharp teeth and jaws with fear I chuckled and walked next to Sharky and leaned a elbow on her shoulder before holding up my left hand and looked over my claws like I was checking my nails you know Sharky maybe before you try and act all prim and proper like you should make sure your Cupcake is left at home also please call my Azmo when we are in public Sharky chuckled and side if only it was that simple Azmo but he only listens to my mother ones more and she leaned forward and whispered in my ear he is really stupid I chuckled but looked at her like I was stunned and in a sarcastic voice I responded no really what gave it away she elbowed me in the side chuckling it is really good to hear them smart ass responses again but then her smile faded as a serious expression replaced it as she looked towards the river saying ones more Azmo we are at war our enemies could strike at any time I raised a eyebrow asking do you expect trouble she side brushing my arm off her shoulder as she responded lets just say I hope your strength hasn't diminished sense coming to this world old friend this is when I noticed something shoot out of the water it was aimed at Sharky my senses told me that it was a harpoon colt made from basic celestial bronze I stepped in front of Sharky and cot this colt I lowered my hand growling enemies as I said this my eyes burst with a blue fire and my senses exploded out from me I easily located the attacker a single demon that looked like a dark mermaid but its body was more monster and its face was a snapping turtle a Murgan i growled I also noticed the harpoon gun in its hands it way swimming away a scout to test our power we can't have that I then clenched my hand on the bolt as I did the bolt was covered in shadow before I spinning around and launching it back at its sender but this time it flew way faster then before and with pinpoint accuracy a black blur shot into the water not loosing any speed before slamming onto the center of the Murgan head bursting it like a balloon Sharky whistled as she walked next to me and looked at the smoke came off my right hand and back towards the river her eyes squinting damn what a shot Azmo it would seem you still got it I stood up and put my hands in my pockets shrugging that was only a scout there will be more of them we should leave she nodded I agree let us go and we starter walking towards the river Artemis and Eragon raptor sank into our shadows as we walked Cupcake bowed to the old man apologizing to him before leaving 2 sand dollars on the broken stall as the shadow tentacles gently put the boxes of fish down with that Cupcake quickly cot up with us he was surprisingly pretty fast for how big he was but he indefinitely wasn't agile on his feet cuz the next second he tried to stop him self but he bumped into Eragon so hard the two fell forward Cupcake landing ontop of Eragon Sharky and I paid no mind to the antics of the children behind us even after they started rolling around on the ground punching and swearing at each other Eragon landed several fast elbows and jabs but Cupcake was like a walking tank each hit got shrugged off by the big guy wall he snapped at Eragon trying to bit him it got to the point they was rolling forward just so they dont get left behind Sharky glanced behind us before looking towards me with a huge grin so who is the bother to that little firecrackers it definitely isn't Layla right I chuckled shrugging your right Eragon is the work of me and my second wife Harriet briar Nekros love Sharky chuckled I bet Layla is having fun with her right now I chuckled again shrugging good it just means they will be all hot and bothered when I return and I licked my lips before winking at her Sharky rolled her eyes she scoffed responding playboy I laughed saying o is that jealousy I hear my dear friend Sharky she bared her shark teeth at me in a angry playful way before she scoffed who would be jealous of a ugly ass hat like yourself I surely ant I chuckled retorting back at her ooo nice comeback it was almost believable better luck next time fish vergen come back to me when you have landed at least one hotty Sharky bared her fangs at me again saying you little shit and she lunged forward and pushed me I stumbled to the edge of the dock we was on and started falling off the edge I glanced back to Sharky who had a huge victorious grind on her face but before I fell of the edge my tail shot out and wrapped around her waist shit I heard her yell as she tried to pull my tail off but it was to late as I fell into the water my tail dragged her in behind me we both hit the water with a splash Eragon and Cupcake looked up from there fighting and slowly walked over to the edge of the dock with worried expression there bodies still tangled together a few bubbles came up but they soon disappeared as Sharky and I slowly sank to the bottom of the river floor the water was surprisingly clean for a river mixed with sea water but I grinned up at Sharky with a victorious grin my tail still around her waist she crossed her arms as a pouting expression want across her face but I noticed there was a hint of a smile that she was trying to hide I winked at her before looking up at the dock and seen Eragon and Cupcake heads peering over the edge with worried expressions I rolled my eyes seeing that before looking back to Sharky my smile fading before I spoke in Merfolk which sounded like gurgling water so where is Drake Sharky hole posture changed gone was her happy playful side what was left was a angry sad expression as she gritted her teeth as she responded he is back at the palace the fool came to help me and my people but and she want quiet I side releasing her waist as I responded he us one of the infected isn't he she bared her fangs as she scoffed yes but it is more than that he is but I held up a hand stopped her as I looked down stream from us i couldn't see anything but my senses was screaming at me someone was watching us my eyes narrowed as my eyes started to glow faintly this is when I picked up on a magic signature it was faint but there and it definitely wasn't Poseidons it was to weak ones more it had traces of spirit magic a Nereid I thought and by this faint killing intent detected at Sharky and based off the simple fact who ever cast this spell was probably back at Atlantis so to cover that much ground with there magic just to spy on us well lets just say who ever it was definitely powerful and no simple being but sadly for them I am here I honestly don't like the sea to much do to all the creatures that could kill me living in it plus the fact even in this world there was still much land we don't know about there was Ancient powers hiding in the deep that I wasn't sure even Poseidon could kill but if there's one thing I do like about this place it was the fact there was always dark and there was shadows everywhere water might be the merfolk play ground but the shadows was mine I grinned mockingly towards where I knew the Nereid was watching us before I flicked my hand and like that the shadows wrapped around Sharky and I which made us disappear not even our presents could be felt I felt a angry ripple of water as I felt that Nereid eyes disappear I looked back to Sharky who had a confused expression so old friend who did you and Drake piss off cuz that was one pissed off Nereid eyes that was just on us Sharky was stunned before she looked towards me skeptically you was able to not only sense her presents but you was able to locate the detection she was watching us from and if that wasn't shocking enough you was able to guess her race just who are you I chuckled shrugging I am your old friend Hunter the old me could have been able to do what I just did but it would have taken him a bit longer to find the detection but I am more than that old friend like you I have changed races I have no problems telling you mine and my sins race but and my smile faded into a cold neutral expression you will have to swear on your soul and the river sticks you will tell no one not even your father or Drake even if they ask you I paused for a moment to let my words sink in I took a deep breath in the cold water refreshing as I did so I continued so do you still wish to know my secret even if it will paint a huge target on your back and you maybe even punished by the gods do to the fact you new about this information and you didn't tell any of them or even tried to kill me so my old friend Sharky what do you want silence fell over us as she thought about my words I could tell she definitely was hesitant to give me an answer but slowly she asked if I refuse this information where do we stand after that I chuckled and grinned at her this showed of my white fangs before responding what ever choice you make it wont effect our relationship Sharky you was one of three people who was with me at the very start of this adventure haha you are my friend nothing will change that especially not this ones more your bond to figure it out sooner or later along with the rest of the world so hehe do you want to hear it from me or from another Sharky side you really ant giving me much choice here Azmo but I think I will wait and see if I can't figure it out for my self it will be more fun that way I chuckled shrugging very well Sharky lets see if you can figure it out haha but sense you my old friend I will give you a hint when I came to this world I was a Naga but I am something more now have fun figuring it out with that I looked up to the two still of the dock I flicked my hand when I did two shadowy tentacles shot out of the water before grabbing Eragon and Cupcake and draggion the two into the water the both let out a scream before hitting the water Sharky chuckled saying shall we get going she then swam passed me slightly but that's when I noticed her legs was gone what replaced it was a fishtail that sort of reminded me of a bull sharks tail especially how fast she swam I also noticed there was a shark fin sticking up from her back and elbows there edges shined with a sharp light as she swam by be and stopped she brought to fingers to her mouth and blow on them like one would to let out a whistle but what came out was sound waves it reminded me of a whale cry Sharky then lowered her hands onto her hips and continued to look forward into the water expectantly and soon I seen movement coming towards us was 2 beautiful rainbow scales horses there front and back legs was colorful fins wall there tail extended back into a long fishtail hippocampus I said swimming next to Sharky with a huge smile I noticed there was a saddle on both Sharky grinned at me of course you two might be fast on land but in the water is a completely different story gaining the ability is already rare enough for you land-dwellers but yo gain a water form like me and Cupcake is almost unheard of we was born with this ability I grinned at her saying you want to bet on that I looked off in a direction as I held up my hand before jerking it back nothing happened at first but then a familiar humanoid fish body was shot towards us I cot the Murgan before driving my claw into its chest before pulling out its heart I pulled it in half before throwing back one half to Eragon he cor it with his mouth and started chewing it up but I glared at him he stopped chewing and looked at me with a full mouth and said what do I got something on my face my tail whipped forward and smacked him on the top of the head before I growled have some fucking manners son I know we are monsters but we are monsters with class ones more don't speak with a full mouth it's just disgusting and rude he rubbed the not on his head he swallowed before saying yes sir I nodded good I then ate my half of the heart when you did that's when I heard this
Congrats Nekros for gaining the ability webbed hands
Congrats Nekros for gaining the ability water form
I grinned at that last thing before I quickly took off my paints and wrapped a cloth around my waist like Sharky before I transformed into my water form my legs got covered with shadow and when it disappeared and where my legs ones where was now a fishtail my red, black and gold scales shined like gems in the darkness and if that wasn't cook enough the edge around the bottom of my tail shined with a sharp edge so if anything touched the bottom fin they would get cut I flex my body and started doing some basic movements but I quickly got a hang of my new lem I looked to Sharky who had a stunned expression I laughed close your mouth Sharky you don't want a shrimp to fly into your mouth do you she quickly closed her mouth before sying damn you Hunter how can you know notice what you just did was not just unnatural but goes against the lays of nature no creature should be able to just be able to eat another creature and gain their abilities there is a reason y your kind is Hunted and feared old friend remember that I rolled my eyes saying I do not care this is who I am I will devour anything and anyone that gets in my way be they god, giant, titan, monster or mortal I have already consumed the flesh of a lesser god so I ant scared to do more hold on Sharky face want pale and a look of fear spread across her face as she spoke your the one the people call the Crimson death Serpent a huge grin want across my face as I took off my hat before doing a very over the top bow as I said it would seem my reputation proceeds me Sharky scoffed Azmo you have made many people fear you and even more are angry at you I chuckled putting my hat on my head before saying honestly I do not care Sharky as long as those people leave my kingdom and people alone then we will have no problems but if they dare try and wage war with us then my demonic legion and I will remind them just y so many people fear us Sharky chuckled you sound like you have been busy y don't you tell me about your life in this new old we got quite the ways to go I nodded and like that Sharky and I got on either side of one of the hippocampus wall Eragon and Cupcake got the other one that was a bit bigger then the one I was holding Sharky grabbed the left rains wall I got the right and like that we was off the hippocampus shot forward dragging Sharky and I beside it behind us The other hippocampus followed.