Hours of swimming later Sharky and I talked back and forth about everything that has happened in this new world and apparently the reason y Sharky was so angry when I brought up Drake name was cuz wall in mid battle Drake nocked out one of the merfolk captions do to the fact that man gave a order that was going to cause many casualties on the merfolk side and barely make a dent into the enemies numbers Drake screamed that the cost of victory wasn't worth the loss of that many men but that captain didn't see it that way especially when the army he was commanding over was slaves and most of them was untrained the caption apparently said these slaves lives mean nothing they will live and die for Atlantis cuz for they are our property well Drake apparently didn't like the captions words it took Drake one punch to completely nock the caption the fuck out but this was the least of his worries cuz that act of Drake cot the eye of a powerful Nereid who tried to court him and asked for his hand in marriage but Drake flatly refused her offer saying he already had a beautiful dragon wife that has his heart and no one else can steal my heart from her this pissed the Nereid so much so that she used her influence and power in Poseidon court to imprison Drake for attacking the caption along with a few other bogus crimes that she had made up but provided convening evidence that supported her story and the reason this Nereid was pissed at Sharky was for three reasons the first was cuz this Nereid simply didn't like Sharky for both knowing and being such close friends with Drake the second reason was cuz the Nereid hated mutent children like Sharky who was a cross breed with a merFolk and what ever form Keto was in and by the look of Sharky it must have been shark like haha but shelfs disliked Sharky for specifically being a daughter of Keto who is the mother to many fearsome and scary monsters like Ekhidna or Skylla and the last reason this damn Nereid wanted to kill Sharky was cuz Sharky keeps going against her in the court plus Sharky had her own soldiers to be Drake guards this prevented the Nereid from seeing Drake not for a lack of trying though but Sharky only took orders from her no one else so basically I said rolling my eyes scoffing Drake punched a caption cuz he didn't want to send people to there deaths and he charmed a powerful and influential Nereid with his natural charm and when he rejected her she used her power to imprison him is this all right Sharky nodded basically I nodded with her and the reason she wants to kill you is cuz your closer to Drake then she is plus she hates the fact you are a mutant Sharky nodded again that is also correct I scoffed and in a sarcastic voice I said wow Sharky what a wonderful kingdom that you like in I am so happy to help racists, and people who don't value the lifes under there command I am going to have so much fun following all the laws and orders that people will give me Sharky rolled her eyes scoffing yea right you will do what you want like you always do and honestly I have no love for my kin most of the merfolk mistreated me when I was younger hell they still do they hate the fact they got a daughter of Keto in there court especially one that holds a great deal of power so if you got to bash a few heads to get the result you want I am fine with it but first you will need to heal my father I raised a eyebrow asking how bad is Poseidon Sharky side and hesitated to respond she side eyed me as she did so but she finally side again after a few silent minutes he is really sick Hunter he had to join the battle against a demon emperor and one that was very powerful so much so not even my father was able to kill the damn beast but the Demon emperor couldn't kill my father either so there fight quickly became a stale mate but the demon emperor used a hidden ability to inflict a heavy blow on dad amd so that demon emperor used this chance to escape but Poseidon wasnt going to simply let it leave like that he landed one fatal blow with his trident before the demon emperor disappeared after that my father collapsed and had been in a deep sleep ever since step mom Amphitrite has tried to fill the role for my father but there just is to much shit to deal with and if that wasn't bad enough she two has been infected by the same demon emperor who came back for round 2 still mostly damaged thankfully Amphitrite beat away the demon emperor but wasn't able to kill him do to it running away again plus Amphitrite isn't as bad as Poseidon who is weakening by the days last time I seen him he looked like a frale old man on his death bed this made me free out of shock luckily the hippocampus was pulling me along cuz I completely froze Sharky seen the look of worry and fear that spread across my face what is it Azmo what's got you so worried but we didn't have much time I yelled we need to go faster us your control over the water or whatever we need to get there and we need to get there now Sharky face want pale as she said Azmo I trust you if your this worried about something it can't be good so hold on cuz and try not to pass out I then felt our speed greatly increase we was flying through the water so fast I was feeling g force or I think I was if that was even possible underwater but it wasnt the g force that hurt no it was the heavy wait pressing down on my shoulders do to the water normally when someone hits water going at a fast speed the water will act like a solid brick wall and any force or speed inside the water will be disperse greatly slowing what ever it was down till it inevitably stopped but thanks to Sharky my son and I didn't become pancakes which is greatly appreciated Sharky I yelled can you send a message forward for me she nodded I can what do you want me to say she yelled back I thought about it for a few seconds before yelling back tell them all to pray to Poseidon Sharky looked confused but she nodded ok Azmo anything else I side nodding yes hope we make it soon enough. 45 slow minutes we just got to the end of a cave and when I seen what was passed this cave my eyes want wide we was sitting on the edge of a huge trinch that expanded on for miles but in the center of it was a huge beautiful castle made from blue gems around this castle was a quite a colorful city but my eyes feel on the huge scale battle that was happening all around this city's walls I seen sea creatures and monsters fighting against demons who had strange fish like attributes but I also seen merfolk and other underwater humanoid fighting for there lifes against the endless tide of demons that was seemingly endless this battle was so huge that it kicked up sand and mud up from the bottom cuz there was a thick fog covering the battlefield no that isn't sand or mud that made up that cloud O no it was blood how did I know this it was simple the moment I breathed through my nose my senses was bombarded with the sent of blood and death I bared my fangs as my expression became more beast-like and my wings formed on my back my claws got a bit longer and even my fangs got longer something predatory wanted me to join the fight I wanted to fight I wanted to kill I wanted to taste the blood of my enemies but in the next second I was bombarded by thousands of screaming souls who reached out towards me for help I could the Wales of the dead but it wasnt just from the Merfolk hell the demons screams of agony would make anyone pale from fear and as my senses sweeped over this battlefield I snarled as I let out a mighty rear Who Dares us my parents domain!!!!! My rear echoed through the water so much so that the sound of combat pause for just a moment this allowed the bloody cloud to be moved away what I seen was thousands of merfolk dead bodies floating but not a one demon corpse but all the demons on the front lines of this battle had fatal wounds hell I even seen quite a few demons who had there heads cut off go limp and float for just a few seconds before that demons body twitched before there hand shot out and grab there severed head and quickly tick it back on their neck the wound sticking together with a sickle purple thread but it was there towards the back of the demon army is when I seen a tall boney figure sitting on a throne made from the skin of hundreds of merfolks this figure looked merfolk but his scales was a sickly black color and half of his face face was gone all that was left was bright white bone on his head was a crown made from merfolk fingers and tails wall he had on dark shell plate armor and resting next to him was a trident the three prongs glowed with a sickly green magic and the sickly purple gem at the center of the trident head shined the moment my eyes landed on this figure who slowly got off his throne and gripped his trident nervously but the figure raised his head yelling back I dare what are you going to do about it my ragefull eyes that burned with a cold bright blue fire as I slowly looked to this figure as I growled you dare us undead against a child of death how foolish I then snapped my fingers saying return back to deaths embrace the moment I said this my magic presents exploded out from me and covered this hole battlefield and even the city the moment my magic presents hit the undead they let go of there weapons as there bodies slumped forward floating but as there bodies floated there bodies burst into a bright blue fire which completely eliminated any fragment of there body they was dead never to be disturbed again the two faced figure was stunned seeing his army be turned to ash and just at a snap of my hand but when he looked back towards me I was no longer next to Sharky O no I was right in front of him but I had my legs a look of fear want across his face as he tried to thrust his trident forward at me screaming die you bastard but I got the trident with one hand and crushed the head of this trident with ease as my left hand shot out like a vice tightly grabbing this undead by its throat I new this bastard wasn't the true mastermind nor was this his power so I coldly looked down onto this undeads glowing purple eyes it looked up defiantly into my eyes as he struggled in my grip but the moment he peered deep into my bright glowing blue eyes that look of defiance faded into a expression of helplessness his hole body going slack in my arms I chuckled how pitiful you couldn't even look into my eyes for a second without giving up hahaha but no matter you are just a puppet wall I am looking for your puppet master so and I raised his face closer to mine as I snarled go back to your master and tell him the crimson death serpent is here and if he keeps using my parents domain i will not only find him and kill him but I will slowly torcher and brake his soul to the point there will be nothing left but a broken echo of a soul then and only then will I kill him I then moved his face away from me as I let go of him grinned did you get all of that the undead quickly nodded as he stuttered ummm yesssme sirrrrr I nodded good you can go now the undead nodded and quality swam off toward a huge hole I turned around and with out saying another word and used my wings to push my self forward in the water but as I moved the shadows danced and expended around me from the shadows came thousands of screaming souls that reached out towards me they clouched at my clothes as they begged me for help to free them from this torcher but then there was the more darker souls who begged me not to take them to give them another chance at life some even threatened me saying if I didn't help them they would curse me and my family or they would butcher my children in front of me but I ignored them all as I walked forward my head raised high my eyes glowed with a bright blue fire and my face had a cold neutral expression no soul dared to obstruct my way and as I stood in front of the living army it was like I had a cape made from the shadows and the thousands of souls who followed behind me but as I was about to continue forward is when I felt a shift in the shadows I quickly turned around to see Eragon who had a look of pity and sadness as he extending his hand towards a young woman merfolk soul who was at his feet weeping Eragon hand glowed with a dark green and black energy this soul weeping continued but unlike Eragon who couldn't see her face do to her hair obstructing his voice I had no such problems I seen a huge victories grin and cold ruthless eyes but before Eragons right hand could reach this soul I appeared next to him and grabbed his hand he looked up into my eyes with anger and a bit of anxiety y do you stop me father she needs my help they all do I shook my head saying my son she is dead nothing can change that not even my parents us children of death can rebirth new life we can't reverse time those of us who was touched by death at birth can control and even defy our own deaths but we can't do that for others and even we have our limits death comes for us all my son not even the gods can escape its cold embrace I felt his body start to shake as I seen tears form in his eyes as he looked down at the soul still weeping at his feet but dad I could save them all I side and moved my hand that held his arm onto his shoulder my Son my pride and joy listen to my words and listen well just cuz you could do something doesn't mean you should I like you thought I could bring someone back from death but that person soul came back tainted and when they want back into there body there wounds didn't heal even after the figure opened its eyes and stood up it was a tainted soul in a dead body we call these creatures Hollows not quite alive but also not quite dead either they float somewhere between the two worlds sometimes conscious but most of the time they are to much in agony to focus on their surroundings this leads them into a rage state where they want nothing but to feed off the living so tell me Eragon do you want to do that to someone he quickly shook his head no dad but you don't know I could be different I side no son you won't be different just cuz your able to us death and nature magic together it won't change anything Eragon snarled as he looked up to me his eyes glowing with a green fire as he crawled you don't know that I smiled at him and flicked him in the head saying dummy he angrily rubbed the center of his head as he growled how am I dumb I side cuz you have narrowed your mind you are souly focused on saving this soul that you only focus on the life part of nature but life may be part of nature yes but so is death my son you can't have life without death and vice versa they are two sides of the same coin the yin and yang we maybe children of death or touched by death but that doesn't mean we ant touched by life either I am not only a child of death but a chaption of it as a chaption of death I not only protect the dead and there souls but the living also and you my son are a child of death you may not have been birthed by a death god the moment your soul started to form I had protected you with my magic shielded you from the war that your mothers and I was in you got the blood of two death gods flowing threw you veins son and I have no doubt with time you to will become a chaption of death like me and your uncle Bee do you understand my son Eragon looked down to the soul at his feet I seen conflict in his eyes but after a few seconds he side and withdraw his hand which stopped glowing this made the woman sob even harder as she begged please my lord don't listen to him please save me I chuckled here is another lesson for you my boy do not listen to these souls they will say and do anything to get what they want take this soul for example she was the only one who sensed your presents and instead of begging me for help she came to you cuz she new she could influence you unlike me she even smiled feeling your magic just about touch her but you couldn't see this do to her covering her face from you but at my angle I could so quiet your weeping Soul your not fooling anyone this soul shot up a look of unbridled fury on her face her eyes flashed a sickly purple color as her bright blue soul changed into a sickly green color she scratched out you bastard how dare you obstruct my path and she thrust her long jagged yellow claws towards me but her claws never reached me do to her body bursting into bright blue flames I chuckled foolish demon puppet master your really getting on my nerves I glanced back to Eragon who had a shocked and angry expression as he looked to the burning soul I grinned and turned towards the castle my coat bellowing behind me as I said come my son we got a job to do and I started walking forward Eragon took a deep breath before that look of anger faded into a cold neutral expression he then looked up saying yes father he swam next to me his eyes glowing with a cold green fire .