Rare Fusion Material, Ix Blood!

Level 5 crevice, lord-level monster!

In the world of adventurers, this was already a terrifying existence!

Many adventurers would never see a lord-level monster in their entire lives, let alone fight it.

Most adventurers could not even see a Level 5 crevice.

Chen Kun's upgrade required a Level 5 crevice and a lord. Now that an opportunity had come knocking on his door, he naturally did not want to miss it! He was still waiting to choose a suitable skill to learn after completing the mission for changing profession.

Even if his template was a Boss Template and any skill could be strengthened into Boss Skills, wouldn't it be even more powerful if he chose a skill from the beginning and strengthened it?

In the past, Chen Kun had always been lucky when he chose. At the same time, it was because his level was not high enough and he had only interacted with the adventurer world for a short time.