Platinum Adventurer! Profession, Necromancer!

The Level 5 crevice was located in a vast valley outside Magic City!

This place was Monster Mountain.

As for why it was called that, it was naturally because crevices appeared in this area the most frequently. From level 1 to 4 crevices, the number of crevices that appeared here accounted for a third of the country!

Among them, this Level 5 crevice was the main one.

After arriving outside the mountain, the adventurers of various civil society organizations and factions had all gathered.

At the same time, it was also the first time Chen Kun knew the guild here.

From the beginning, after obtaining the Boss Template, Chen Kun was curious if a guild existed in this world like in the game.

Obviously, his thoughts were confirmed.

Not only were there civil society organizations, but there were also guilds.

The entire country was divided into groups of adventurers.