Chapter 1

Best friend's betrayal

Cali Chen is seem at the door of luke's apartment she opens the door and walks in;

""Baby am home"she said

She stepped in to the living room and saw two cans of beer

"Seems he had a visitor and has gone out" she thought

So she walked into the kitchen and drank a glass of water and walked into the room, but on her way to the room she saw a lady's bag and a dress on the floor she passed it and went for the room but she started hearing erotic sounds:

"Ahhh... Yeah.... Uhh that's the spot..... Hmm.... Pump me harder..... Faster.... Uhhhh"

she opened the door and stood there shocked to see her best friend Jane with Luke on top of her. She couldn't take it anymore so she bursted out in tears and screamed:

"Stop" it was then the two lovers knew they had company. So Luke slowly pulled out of Jane and then dress up properly. Then he heard Cali say:

"Luke i trusted you how could you do this to me where did I go wrong"she said crying.

"And what gave you the right to ask me such stupid question"Luke said looking at Cali. Then Cali turned to Jane and said:

Jane... How could you do this to me after all we shared.....why did.. "Without allowing her to finish talking she said:

"And why do I need your permission to do what I want huh I've been keeping up with the fact that I've been watching you doing you best to please my man but am tired of being quiet. I love Luke get that into your thick score"Jane said while kissing Luke in front of Cali.

"If you had told me you loved him I would've willingly left him for you and you know that, but what did you do, you allowed me to fall head over hills for him so that you can hurt me in the end why do you really hate me this much"Cali said looking at Jane with tears in her eyes.

"Can't you read the handwritings on the wall, can't you see that I hate you, I fucking hate you Cali!"

With this Cali rushed to pull her hair, when Luke saw what was happening he rushed toward them pulled Cali, and gave Cali two sound slap on her cheek and said:

"pack your thing and leave my house while am still nice"Luke said holding the scared Jane.

"Luke its Cali"Cali said to Luke who was consoling Jane.

"You are of no use to me anymore I just wanted to get connections from your family to get a better job in your company and now am now a rich guy so I don't need you anymore. Get out before I call the cops on you for trespassing"Luke said as he threw all her belongings out of his apartment.

"Luke you're pushing me away after everything I've done for you"Cali said in tears.

"Get out!!"yelled Luke as he pushed her out and locked the door.

So Cali picked up her belongings and left Luke's apartment to hail a cab to city A where she resides.

Opening the door to the cab she saw a good looking godlike young man, she greeted him and he answered her with a nod.

During the drive while Cali was thinking of how to explain to her overprotective sister how she and Luke broke up because of her best friend she didn't notice the godlike handsome stranger was staring at her the whole time until she felt his hands on her forehead as he asked her

"Are you alright? "He said feeling her pulse when he didn't hear any response from her, he said to the driver

"Straight to the hospital quickly "he said as he was rubbing her hands as she lost consciousness.