Chapter 2

What is your name

"To the hospital quickly"he said still rubbing her hands, he couldn't help but admire her breathtaking beauty, her cat eyes, her pointed nose, her loose hair then coming down to her full kissable lips,

'Oh my geez I think am becoming a pervert' he thought to himself as he said to the driver;

"Hurry"he said as he saw they were close to the hospital. As soon as they reached the hospital, before anyone could say 'jack ' the godlike man was already out of the car with Cali as he carried her to his friends office.

"Wow what do we have here the cold hearted bastard CEO Ethan and...." He trailed off as he saw a beautiful damsel in the arms of his friend. He said ;

"What a beauty to feast on, how about I have her for tonight..... "He trailed off as he felt chills coming from his friend so he left to prepare for her treatment As Ethan laid her carefully on the hospital bed As if she was fragile glass.

He watched as his friend treated Cali and then he heard Matt say ;

"She has regained consciousness" as he looked at Ethan then left the room to give them some space to talk.

Meanwhile Cali woke up and saw her self in an unfamiliar place she said to no one in particular ;

"Where am I?" Then she heard a familiar voice;

"You're in the hospital"she turned to see who it was as she saw Ethan sitting at the corner of the room. Then she asked him;

"What happened to me? " she said looking at Ethan waiting for answers then he said to her;

"You suddenly fainted inside the car so I brought you to the hospital are you OK now or are you hurting somewhere? "He said checking all over her body as Cali was confused because he was acting like they known each other for a very long time. She couldn't help but ask;

"Who are you ? "She asked leaving Ethan confused. She mentally face palmed herself then she corrected herself and said;

"what's your name? "Then he realized what she was asking and said;

"I am Ethan, Ethan yiu"he said looking at the now shocked Cali as she pushed his hand away as tears dropped from her eyes leaving Ethan confused, then he asked ;

"What's wrong, are you a beautifK? "Then he saw her crying as she hugged herself so he called;

"Matt..... Matt... Come here!! "He said and Matt came rushing into the room and started checking on her but there was nothing wrong with her so he said to Ethan;

"There's nothing wrong with her" he said looking at Ethan. Then they heard Cali say;

"Stay away from me you are just like him all you do is hurt people, please I beg you don't hurt me"she said in tears. Ethan didn't know what to do so he just hugged her, while this was going on, the ignored doctor was busy taping the whole scene. After thirty minutes of consoling, Cali calmed down and said;

"Am sorry for what happened a while ago, I didn't even thank you for bringing to the hospital for treatment , but what I did was to blame you for something you know nothing of,am so sorry "she said forgetting that she was still in his arms

"Its OK, I understand that you've pass through hell but forget about it, it only make you stronger its OK to cry but don't let it be a barrier to your success in life so you can show those who hurt you that you are stronger than them so cheer up smile for me else..... I'll tickle you"he said looking at Cali as she smiled still in his arms. The he continued and said;

"You still haven't told me your name" then Cali said;

"Oh my bad, my name is Cali, Cali Chen" then Ethan said;

"Oh what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you"he said which left the ignored fellow shocked to his bones. While Cali looked at Ethan but blushed seeing they were in an awkward position and Ethan noticed it and loosen his grip on her as he said;

"So how about we have dinner together " he said to break the awkward silence between them

"No I... "She said but Ethan interrupted her and said;

"I won't take no for an answer"then holding her hand he said;

"Let's go"