Chapter 3


Grabbing her hand he said

"Let's go"they left leaving Matt dumbstruck seeing the cold hearted CEO care for someone. Looking at the video he took of them, he sent it to Nate their other friend.

Meanwhile the dual left the hospital to a special restaurant called moonlight. Seeing this Cali stopped gaining the attention of Ethan who looked worried. Thinking something had happened to her he said;

"What's wrong, are you OK? "He asked looking at her.

"No am fine, it's just that moonlight is a very expensive restaurant and we need to get a reservation in like three weeks before getting a seat in this restaurant "she said looking at her feet.

"Hey don't be so worked up the owner of this restaurant is my friend so I can eat here anytime I want and now that includes you"he said smiling at her,

"So let's go"he said then pulled her into the restaurant and took their seat in the VIP ward.

While seated on her seat with Ethan she noticed the restaurant female attendants whispering within themselves while glaring at her with malicious eyes. This made her shiver a little seeing them glare at her maliciously, but what surprised her was how their face paled as she felt his hands on her forehead then she heard him say;

"Are you alright?"then she realized why their face changed so she quickly removed removed his hand from her forehead and said ;

"I'm..... I'm fine Ethan there's no need to be worried. "She said looking at Ethan and then the girls.

"What's wrong, are you scared?.... If you are don't be afraid because..... Your superman is here" he said posing with his hands showing his muscles. This was the scene that Nate saw while coming to welcome his friend, he was shocked to his bones seeing the cold hearted CEO playing and smiling with a girl in her early twenties that he actually fainted.

'Boom' which gained the attention of the diners and the restaurant attendants as they came rushing to him and then took him to Pluto medicals which was matt's hospital after Matt had confirmed he was OK, they let him rest for a while until he regained consciousness.

Seeing he was in an unfamiliar place rubbed his eyes to be sure of where he was, looking around he saw Matt crumbled face. He sat up and asked;

"What happened to me? "Then he heard Ethan's deep voice;

"You suddenly fainted on your way to my seat"he said while looking at Nate. turning around Nate saw the reason for him fainting. And then he asked Ethan;

" Who is this beauty you brought to my restaurant " he said looking at Cali from head to toes making her shy, then she heard Ethan say;

"She is none of your business, now that you're OK, I can now have dinner with my guest. Goodnight."he said as him and Cali left the patient ward and the hospital too.

Meanwhile Matt who was quiet the whole time finally said;

"Am shocked as you are, well maybe it one of the chicks he sleeps with "he said sitting on Nate's bed looking at him.

"But I think he cares about this one, if you were there with me to see how free he was with her, you won't say she is a pick up"Nate said standing up to leave then he heard Matt say ;

"Where are you going to? "He said looking at Nate.

"Am fine now so am leaving for work, after all I just fainted that's all"he said putting on his clothes and shoes.

"Don't tell me its what you saw that made you faint, if that's the case then be ready to faint every day "he said laughing as he left Nate.

Meanwhile leaving the hospital Cali and Ethan went back to moonlight taking their seats they took their orders while waiting for their food Ethan asked ;

"So tell me I've been meaning to ask you this, when I told you my name why did you react like that? "He said looking intently at Cali, then he saw her bow her head and she said;

"Because you have the same surname as him"

"Who? "He curiously asked. Soon the only thing heard could be the cutleries of the other diners, then he heard Cali say;

"Luke, Luke yui" she said fondling her fingers.

"What!!!...... Like seriously Luke..... Omg...... That bastard....... How dare he......... "He exclaimed attracting the attention of others which he ignored and Cali said;

"Do.... You..... Know him? " she asked looking at him because he was seriously cursing Luke.

"He is my younger brother, am so sorry "