Chapter 4

"Not satisfied? "

"He is my younger brother, am so sorry " he said as he held her hand.

"What?!!"she exclaimed but reduced her voice when she saw people looking at them.

"What did he do to you? " he said looking intently at her.

"He cheated on me with my best friend" Cali said as tears fell nonstop from her eyes.

"Wait is it Jane?"Ethan said.

"Yes she's the one"she said looking at him confused.

"He introduced her as his fiancee to our family last month, I never liked her," he said as his face showed he was irritated. Cali looking at her watch she exclaimed;

"Oh am late, am so sorry but I have to leave now. Good night Ethan"she said picking up her things and started leaving but Ethan held her hand and said;

"At least let me drop you off" he said as he pulled her towards the exit door and then his car. On their way to Cali's house, she couldn't help but admire Ethan, his dark brown hair almost covering his full carved eyebrows, his well shaped pointed nose and then his thin pink kissable lips. While still admiring him Cali heard him say;

"Not satisfied? " he asked referring to himself which made her blush crimson red.

"So till we meet again" he said as they stopped in front of a three bedroom apartment. Hoping out of the car he moved to the other side of the car and opened the door for her while walking her to her apartment he stopped In front of her door and said;

"Well.... It been a great night for me"

"Me too"she said looking down at her feet.

"Cali......look at me"he said using his index finger to raise her chin up for her to look at him. Looking into her eyes he said;

"Cali... I know you are heartbroken but never let it stop you from reaching your goal, you are a sweetheart and there are many guys out there who wants to be loved by someone like you so just because he cheated doesn't mean every guy cheats, its just that Luke doesn't know what he lost, he lost gold while picking stones, so don't be depressed OK, its not the end of the world so go for what you want no matter how hard it is, never give up on yourself. But remember never let yourself be looked down on and if you ever need help am always here for you......... Here"he said bringing out his card he continued;

"Here's my card you can call anytime OK, remember your superman is here" he said smiling and then he kissed her on her forehead and said;

"Goodnight Cali "

"Goodnight Ethan, thanks for everything "she said waving at Ethan as he entered his car and then left.

Entering her apartment she saw her sister Rita at the door, folding her arms Rita asked;

"Who was that? " she asked with an arched brow.

"He is a friend of mine"Cali said walking past Rita.

"How come I haven't seen this handsome friend of yours? "She said as she gave Cali a glass of water.

"Handsome?"she asked surprised hearing her not so friendly sister call Ethan handsome

"Well handsome is an understatement for a guy like him, he is way more better than that Luke of a guy"she said admiration in her eyes.

Walking over to where Rita sat she held her hand and said;

"Ehmm..........Rita..... I have something to tell you "she stopped halfway waiting for an approval from her sister. Rita said to her;

"Am all ears..... Wait...... Did you eat my cookies again? "

"No its not that"Cali said shaking her head.

"Then what is it"Rita said looking intently at her.

"Luke broke up with me, he was cheating on me with Jane all through the years we have been together, he told me it was because of dad's wealth that he dated me so when dad's company got bankrupt, his behavior towards me started changing until I found him having sex with Jane this evening. Am supposed to be broken hearted but I didn't regret him breaking up with me ...... Now am free to do what I want how I want it and where I want it"she said to Rita still holding her hands.

"I knew that girl was up to no good, so... What are you going to do now that you guys broke up, you know you were working at his company "Rita said because she was worried about her sister.

"Tomorrow morning am going to get all my stuff from luke's company which I know by now look has locked my office so its just to go got my stuff from the company, and then I'll start looking for job from the next day"then standing up she said;

"Right now I need to shower and wait for another day" pulling her clothes she said;

"And Rita I've eaten so no need to worry yourself about dinner OK"she moving towards the bathroom door.

Meanwhile Cali and Rita went to rest the yui mansion was on fire as Ethan stepped into the house;

"Where's that bastard " he said as everybody came out of their various rooms. Then his stepmother asked;

"Ethan what's the problem, do you want to bring this house down?" Ignoring her, Ethan shouted at everyone;

"Where is Luke? " his Junior sister Rizie answered and said;

"He just left the house few minutes ago big bro" seeing it was his little sis that answered he softened his voice and said;

"Can you call him back, tell there's an important meeting OK "he said rubbing her head. If there's something he is scared of, it's making his little girl cry. After what seems like hours Luke finally arrived at the family house. Entering the family house he said;

"What's so important that couldn't wait till to...." Before he could finish his sentence Ethan punched him right on the face.

"Why did you hurt her?" He said while still hitting Luke while he was trying to get away from his stepbrother. While all this was going on they didn't know their father as he walked down the stairs. Not noticing her husband maria walked over to Ethan, slapped him over the face she said;

"Just because you are rich now doesn't matter because to us you are still an illegitimate son and so you know you see Rizie there I'll make her suffer for the rest of her life because you guys are nothing to this family, we just gave you guys a Favour by allowing you to answer our surname so stop acting like you are superior to all of us here"she said looking irritated. But cringed when when she heard her husband's voice;

"They are also part of the family dear let them.... "He started but was interrupted by Rizie;

"I don't want to be part of your so called family, I want to stay with you big bro"