Chapter 6 Handsomely Dangerous

"So, this is Claudia." Queen Miranda introduce her to king Nicolas.

"While Claudia is a good looking princess, there is something I like about the fourth princess. What is her name?" Asked King Nicolas.

"Her name is Everleigh, but let us leave her out of this discussion." King Albert said looking directly into the eyes of king Nicolas.

"No. I want my son to marry princess Everleigh." Said king Nicolas in resolution.

"But she is just fifteen, and isn't well trained to act like the princess she is." Queen Miranda said with a look of confliction.

Ashton who had been quiet stood up from his seat, walking towards the double doors.

"Where are you going to?" asked King Nicolas.

"Back to the palace." He responded with his magnetic voice.

"I will follow you." Clinton said making an attempt to stand up.

"No need." He responded and left.

As he was making his way to the stairs he caught sight of Lei who was about to enter her room and approached her.

"That was a really graceful way of eating princess." His voice full of sarcasm. His magnetic voice almost made her forget how to speak, but was quick to regain herself.

"As I said before, I was hungry." Lei clenched her hands into tight fists to stop them shaking.

"Then I must say, that is a very fascinating way of satiating your said hunger."

"I will take that as a compliment."

"You should. It was one anyway." He said patting her head. "Pleasure meeting you." He turned and left and Lei let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Too handsomely dangerous for my fragile heart." She muttered almost like a love-struck teenager as she entered her room.