Chapter 7 I Have Made My Decision

A short while after Ashton left, King Nicolas and Clinton left as well.

"Claudia, Beth, your father and I need to talk. Alone." Queen Miranda said and Claudia and Beth stood up and left after bowing slightly.

"You heard what King Nicolas said. He wants his son to marry Lei." King Albert said dropping his cutlery on his plate.

"But she is just fifteen. I won't allow it." Queen Miranda shook her head.

"We need an alliance with that kingdom. Especially since the king of Denmore is planning to take over ours."

"So we're just going to trade our daughter for some soldiers?"

"We are not trading her, we are just marrying her off. And besides, we were going to do the same to Claudia."

"That is a different case. Claudia is eighteen."

"There is nothing different about the situation love." He chuckled. "I have made my decision. Lei will get married to prince Ashton." Queen Miranda frowned showing her disapproval which king Albert turned a blind eye to.

And right on cue, the royal messenger walked into the dining hall and bowed his head.

"Send a message to king Nicolas. Tell him that preparations for the wedding should be started soon." King Albert ordered.

"Yes your majesty." The royal messenger turned and left.

At The Royal Palace of Gentaya

Immediately king Nicolas arrived at the Palace, he received the message from Auxataria's palace and a smile appeared on his lips.

He knew that they were going to push through with it especially with the fight for power between Auxataria and Denmore.

"Clinton, tell our messenger to tell king Albert that the wedding would be happening in the next two days."

"It shall be done your Highness." Clinton bowed and king Nicolas went inside the palace.