Chapter 8 Stay Away From Him

Lei was lying on her bed looking out the window. She wondered how her father was doing. Was he worried about her? She hoped not, because she knew there was probably no way to go back.

Just as she was about to get some sleep, Claudia walked into her room with an angry look on her face.

"You... I know you are trying to get the attention of prince Ashton!" Claudia yelled in anger.

"Me? No I'm not." Lei wasn't lying. She really didn't want him to notice her but she would admit that she had a bit of attraction towards him... well, his looks at least.

"You are lying! Why then would King Nicolas want him to marry you instead of me?" She clenched her hands. "Especially after what you displayed at the dining hall."

"I don't know. Maybe you should try figuring out why he doesn't want prince Ashton to marry you instead of disturbing me when I am trying to get some sleep." Lei figured that she shouldn't remain in her shell like she did in her previous world. Besides, no one would dare bully a princess.

'Smart thinking.' She patted herself inwardly.

"How dare you talk to me that way?! If you think that you'll be the one to marry prince Ashton, then dream on!"

"I talked to you that way cause I can. And I would if you'll let me sleep." Lei glared at Claudia who was glaring back at her.

"Stay away from him. He is mine." Claudia left the room and Lei sighed and laid back down on the bed, slowly closing her eyes.

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The light of the sun peeked through the curtains unto the face of the fourth princess.

Her maids came and helped her get dressed before leaving the room. Lei decided to read something, so she picked a book out of the book shelf in her room and sat on the bed.

After a while, she got tired of reading and her stomach was already grumbling so she left her room to have her breakfast but saw most of the maids moving here and there with decorative objects in their hands. She stopped one of them and asked, "What's going on?"

"There would be a wedding next tomorrow your majesty." The maid replied with her head bowed.

"A wedding? Whose wedding?"

"We weren't told your majesty. All I know is that it is one of the princesses."

"You may go." The maid turned and left.

A wedding? Why wasn't she informed?