Chapter 9 I Wish I Could Help

As Lei didn't see her parents in the dining hall, she found her way to the throne room where she saw them having a discussion with King Nicolas.

"What's this I'm hearing!?" Yelled Lei, interrupting the discussion. "Whose wedding is it?"

"It is your wedding dear." Said Queen Miranda.

"What! But I don't want to get married."

"It is for your own good as well as the good of our kingdom." King Albert explained.

"Do not worry. My son would take good care of you." King Nicolas said with a small smile.

Lei groaned in anger. "That's bull shit!"

"Watch your tongue Lei." King Albert warned.

"I won't get married to anyone and you can't make me!" She stormed out of the room.

"She will get over it." Queen Miranda sighed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lei was standing in the garden wanting to receive fresh air. She was pissed off by the news. And to think that she thought that this was going to be a new world with a new life!

She heard someone approaching her and turned only to see someone she really didn't want to see right now. Claudia.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"So you finally succeeded. You are getting married to the prince of Gentaya." Claudia shook her head. "And here I was thinking that we had an understanding yesterday. So foolish of me."

"I don't want this marriage, can't you see?"

"Oh I can. I can see that you are just pretending not to want this so that prince Ashton would go on his knees and beg you."

Ugh. Lei facepalmed internally. Can God please send some kind of machine that will take her back to her world?

"Look here Claudia, I have a really bad headache and I don't need you to make it worse, so please leave."

"I will, but just have it in mind that you will not enjoy your marriage." Claudia left after those words.

"Umm... Lei?"

"What now?" Lei asked exasperatedly.

"It's Elizabeth, not Claudia so you can calm down."

"Sorry. But if you're hear to 'talk' as well, then just leave."

Beth smiled. "I overheard your conversation with Claudia. I know you don't want this marriage."

"Finally, someone that understands me. I just think I'm too young and just came into this world yesterday."

"What?" Beth didn't fail to notice that Lei had been a little weird since yesterday, but chose to ignore it.

"Nothing. Point is, I don't wanna get married."

"But it is for the benefit of the kingdom."

"I don't care. I wish I could escape this wedding"

Beth sighed. "I wish I could help, but I can't. Sorry."

"It's.. okay." Lei said even though she knew it wasn't.