Chapter 10 Lucinda

Lei's stomach grumbled that moment and her face turned slightly red in embarrassment.

"Have you not had your breakfast?" Beth asked and Lei shook her head in response.

"Go to your room. I'll have one of the maids bring your breakfast for you." She nodded and walked towards the direction of her room.

The Royal Palace Of Gentaya

Prince Ashton was standing in the balcony of his room with a stick of cigarettes between his fore and middle finger and Clinton standing by his side.

"The King went to the royal palace of Auxataria." Clinton said and Ashton could take a wild guess on what he was doing there.

"And what about Zenith?" Ashton asked. Zenith was the capital of Gentaya.

"I was about to tell you about it. The rogues are increasing, and quite frankly, I do not have a clue on who is creating them and why." Clinton reported as a frown settled on his face but when he saw the calm expression on the prince's face, it made him to wonder if he knew who the enemy was.

"Do you have any idea on who the enemy might be your majesty?"

"Make sure to keep an eye on the happenings in Zenith." Ashton said instead of answering Clinton's question.

"Yes your majesty." Clinton bowed and walked towards the door.

"Lucinda." Ashton suddenly said and a look of confusion registered itself on Clinton's face before slowly being replaced with a look of shock as he quickly left the room.

Ashton threw the stick of cigar on the ground and stepped on it extinguishing the smoke with his well polished shoe.