Chapter 34 Pained Heart

One part of her wanted to go back to the palace, to her home. And the other part of her wanted to stay here. Was it because she finally felt free? Or was it because of him?

"Do you want me to go?" She asked him instead.

He looked up from his plate. The shocked look on his face was quickly replaced my a serious one.

He replied, "No."

"Why is that?"

He knew why. He had a feeling that was the reason and after thinking about it last night, he confirmed why he treasured her and wanted to keep her with him forever.

He wanted to tell her but he wouldn't. Now was not the right time for her to know why. Not now.

"Do I need a reason to want you here?" He asked.


"You would be beneficial for our quest to take over your kingdom. Once your father makes the reckless decision of sending his soldiers here to look for you, we will take them down and at least we will have fifty percent of an easier battle during the war."

He looked at her closely to observe what her reaction would be but didn't get to see much of her face since it was lowered.

She didn't understand what she was feeling inside but she definitely did not like it. His words felt like a sharp knife stabbing her heart. She felt like she couldn't breathe anymore but why was she feeling this way?

She hated that his words affect her. Hated that those harsh words of his brought tears to her eyes but she couldn't let him see her cry.

Why did she even feel that way? She never expected him to say anything different from what he said. She already had the feeling that him approaching her from the start was a plan but why did it hurt so bad hearing it from him?

She hated... no, despised herself for feeling this way. Infact she could not even stand being in the same room with him.

She dropped her cutleries, stood up slowly from her seat and left the room as the threatening tears began to fall from her eyes.