Chapter 35 Can't Stop It

Ryan knew she was about to cry. He caught a glimpse of her face before she left. What he didn't know was if she was crying because of what he said or because she wanted to go back to her home.

The mere thought of her leaving this place, leaving him did not sit well with him.

Even if it meant locking her in her room or chaining her to him he would do it but she would hate him and he also didn't want that.

He left the dining hall and walked all the way to the third floor of the palace. He arrived at a door down the hallway and pushed it open.

Inside a sickly girl who looked around fifteen, laid on a large queen-size bed with her eyes closed.

Ryan walked up to the girl and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and her eyes opened slowly revealing a pair of ocean blue eyes.

"Brother." She said in a hoarse voice. Ryan took a glass of water from the table and helped her drink it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with tender eyes.

"I am feeling better. Seems like the medicine is working." A small smile appearing on her lips.

"Glad to hear it." He sat down at the edge of the bed.

"I think I found her."

"Really? What is her name?"

"Elizabeth Yale. She is the third princess of Auxataria."

"She is a rare one." His sister, Fleur, said.

"I know. It is not time for her to know, at least not when there is a war ahead."

"Father is still pushing through with the war plan?"

"Yes. I have not talked to him about it yet. He does not know." He sighed. "He would not allow it if he finds out."

"Father can not do anything to stop it Ryan."

"Get some rest. If I am free I will visit again tomorrow."

He kissed her forehead and left the room.