Chapter 36 Dream

Beth was half asleep in her room when she heard the sound of the door open and closed quietly. Ryan walked towards her and slowly leaned in only a breath away from her face.

He was going to kiss her and she knew that but why wasn't she moving? Or pushing him away?

He kissed her lips softly while his hand gently caressed hers traveling to her neck. Suddenly he was strangling her and a vicious smirk appeared on his lips.

"Once you die it will be one of the Yale family member down. An easier battle for Denmore." He laughed.

She gasped as her eyes flew wide open. She was covered in sweat and her dress was sticking uncomfortably to her body.

It was just a dream and nothing about it was real. She looked out the window and the sun was still out. Judging by how bright and sunny it was she figured it was noon.

She looked down from the window and there she saw Ryan sparring with a knight, both shirtless. His body was glistening with sweat and she couldn't help but ogle at him. But then she remembered what happened at the dining hall and a frown came to settle on her face.

She actually fell asleep crying because of him. Someone that she shouldn't even be bothering herself with. She was supposed to be thinking of ways to escape this palace not getting sad over the simple fact that he was just trying to use her as a pawn to bring down Auxataria.

She walked away from the window and rang the handbell on the table beside her bed and a maid was quick to enter the room.

"Prepare the bath and set out something for me to wear. You may leave afterwards."

Beth walked into the bathroom and stepped into the bath after the maid was done and she had stripped herself of her dress.

The water was calming and the scent of lavender was spreading around the bathroom. She would've fallen asleep again if hadn't just woke up from one and she was hungry.

She walked out of the bathroom after a refreshing bath and put on the pink dress laid out for her. The zipper was a little stuck and she was trying to pull it up when someone did it for her.


His finger brushed her skin in the process and she shivered a little. She turned to face him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I assume you have not had lunch yet. I want you to eat with me." He said as he took her hand in his and walked out of the room without waiting for her response.