Chapter 39 END OF VOL 1 ~ Bring Her To Me

"I love you too." He whispered in between their kiss and she smiled as a drop of tear from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Lei looked up from the book and saw Ashton approaching her, his face full of concern.

"Oh no, these are tears of joy." She cleaned her tears with the back of her hand.

"For who?" Then he took notice of the opened book on the table infront of her. "What book are you reading?"

"The monster." She said as she closed the book. "I'm done reading it."

"My grandfather bought that book for me when I was twelve."

"Did you ever read it? Where's he now?"

"I read it the moment I got it but he died the next day."

Lei stood up from her seat, walked up to Ashton and hugged him rub his back in the process.

Ashton was a little taken aback. When he told her about his grandfather he didn't expect her to react this way especially since it wasn't hurting him anymore. He had already gotten over it.

"Lei, I'm not sad if that's what you're thinking. I've already gotten over it." She released him from her hugs and looked into his enchanting blue eyes.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

He nodded.

"We'll be having our lunch in the garden. Penelope and Clinton would be there too."


Two figures were covered by a blanket. Anyone could tell that something happened between the two judging by how they were covered with sweat.

"I need you to do something." Richard said.

"And that is?" The lady asked.

"You have to find a way to bring her to me." He said with finality as if to tell the lady that there was no room for a no.

"I don't care how you do it but make sure she is in good condition when you bring her to me.

No wounds. Do not hurt even a strand of her hair. There would be punishments if you don't adhere to my words."

"Yes master Richard."

He looked at the lady. "I mean it Lucinda."