Chapter 38 The Monster

Lei was at the palace library searching for a book to read. Ashton had left after breakfast saying he had something to take care of and would be back by lunch time.

She took a thick book with a brown cover and sat down on the chair. She must say, it has been a while since she last read a book and she had forgotten how it made her feel calm.

'The Monster Within.' The name of the book was really catching and she could already hear the book calling out to her to read it.

The book was about a man who lived at an abandoned castle in the middle of a forest. He was seen as a monster, a devil by the society and soon enough he started to believe that that was who he truly was.

People would run away whenever they saw him, they kill those who mention his name. He used to care about it but no more. He had come to accept the fact that he really was a monster.

He could kill anyone he wished dead with a thought, he didn't have a heart and his face was scared. He didn't blame the society at all besides he also hated himself.

But one night while he was taking a stroll to a river he discovered further inside the forest, he caught sight of a woman lying unconscious. A knife was stabbed into her stomach and her white dress was tainted by her blood.

He didn't know why but he decided to take her back to his dark castle and treat her wounds.

Three months passed and the woman was finally awake from her coma. He helped her sit up on the bed and gave her a glass of water which she drank quickly and looked at his face.

He had expected her to scream terror, shout for help or run away like she saw a monster because that was who he was. A monster. But she didn't do any of that, instead she touched his face looking at his scars curiously.

"How did you get it?" She asked.

He looked at her for a moment before responding, "I do not know."

"Do you remember it hurting though?"

"Yes. Won't you run away from here? Won't you call me a monster?"

"You are not a monster. You saved my life and for that I am very grateful."

"What happened to you?"

"My sister she lured me into the forest and stabbed me. She was jealous that I would be marrying a duke instead of her."

He gently wiped the tears that fell from her eyes and stood up.

"You should rest for now. When you are fully healed you leave." He said and left the room.

Slowly he started falling for her. She was beautiful, intelligent and caring but her injury had healed and it was time for her to go. To leave him.

"I will not leave Tomas." She said to him when he asked her to leave.

"You have to leave. There's nothing for you here."

"Yes there is. You. I- I love you Tomas." Tomas was beyond shock but he couldn't let her stay, he couldn't provide her with anything.

"You do not know what you are saying Seline. Please."

"No. I am not going anywhere. I will not leave you."

"Seline..." But she silenced him with a kiss. At first he wanted to push her away but instead he pulled her close and kissed her back.

"I love you too." He whispered in between their kiss and she smiled as a drop of tear from her eyes.