Chapter 61: Fairy Race

Seated on a chair inside a private room, was a gorgeous black haired beauty who was currently staring at the holographic screen in front of her.

On the screen was an image of a handsome young man with some lines of text next to it.

"Lake Egoven…" Kate slowly spoke as she looked at the information on the screen.

A few months ago she had taken part in the Martial Arts Course Exam and came in third place. At the time she had partnered with who she thought was the strongest examinee at the time, Bradford Keraunos. However, the end result was far different from what she had imagined when that demon came out of nowhere.

Looking over to her left was another screen with a video showcasing the brutal massacre of a near helpless tribe of goblins. She had rewatched this video countless times and each time had left her impressed.