Chapter 82: The Training Event Begins!

A few days had passed since Kate put up the advertisement for the Blackheart Training Event and during that time a fair amount of people had signed up.

When Lake looked at the numbers, he saw that almost 40 students had registered for the event.

Although the number wasn't that high, Lake found that this was understandable. After all, not everyone was willing to join the Blackheart guild or was that interested in the training.

Some people may have special circumstances or believed in their own style of training and wouldn't adhere to another.

Lake wasn't lazy during this time either. Whenever someone registered for the event Lake would spend some time observing them before writing down a few points on their practice and specialty.

After Lake did some thinking, he realized that if he were to go through each and every student he would have to improve and help them individually like he did Kate, it would take up way too much time.