Chapter 90: The Poor Third Years

Soon it was the next day.

Lake was seated in class waiting for the teacher to arrive.

As Lake was talking to the three other students in the woods yesterday, Iris somehow managed to find Sylph and successfully retrieved her, allowing Lake to escape in the process.

However, before she left, Sylph kept shouting for the three men to keep their promise and meet up with her when the time came later into the evening.

Turning his head, he could see the subtle excitement in the eyes of the troublesome fairy a few seats away from him.

Bradford and Allen had returned to normal and continued on with their usual acting like nothing had happened yesterday.

Lake was also the same as them, after all, to him it was just a small episode in his life.

At this point, around fifteen minutes had passed and the class was starting to realize something. Lake could hear the whispers of the students as they expressed their doubts.