Chapter 130: Broken Bridge


As Lake left the training hall, he heard Kate mumble something under her breath with a disdainful expression but decided not to call her out on it.

Kate didn't feel the need to keep up appearances around him so she often said things that she wouldn't dare to say around anyone else.

It wasn't because she felt comfortable or relaxed around him or anything like that, it was because she knew that even if she were to say the most absurd and outlandish thing imaginable, Lake simply wouldn't care.

Although she hadn't known him for long, she already had a rough understanding of his uncaring personality. She would only be wasting her breath by trying to converse with him like she did with everyone else.

"I'm going to continue my personal training. Are you having your training lesson today?"

"No, it's already too late today and I have other things planned. I'll start the lessons again tomorrow."