Chapter 153: A Reporter (2)

(Third Person POV:)

After Leon introduced himself, Lake couldn't help but feel that his name sounded a little familiar, so he took a deeper look at his fate.

"So you're a reporter for Hunter's News Agency? Then what are you doing all the way out here? If I remember correctly, HNA focuses mostly on high-ranking hunters. Why the sudden interest in students?" Kate asked with a passive expression. She seemed quite familiar dealing with situations like this.

"Yes, that is indeed the truth, but recently HNA decided to do an article on the students of the Academy after hearing word of the first-year exam conditions this time."

"As a student, I'm sure you're already aware that an exam of this caliber has never been held for first years before and is mostly reserved for second-year students. It's even more unheard of that it is also the first end-of-month exam."