Chapter 164: Integration (2)


Lake released a pained breath as he sat up from the bed. His head was still spinning, and his memories felt fuzzy.

Looking around, he quickly noticed that his clothes were missing, leaving him even more confused than when he woke up.

Clutching at his head, he frowned as he tried to recall what happened.

'I agreed to the integration process, then after that...'

'What happened after that..?'

As Lake's head slowly started to clear up, he was about to open the system interface, feeling that he might find the answers there. But before he could even summon the interface, he heard the door to his room open with a small click.

His head was still spinning, and his senses blurred, so he didn't notice them approaching until they had already entered the room.

Focusing his senses, he could hear several people speaking in a slightly hushed tone.