Chapter 166: Another Corrupted Fate

While Lake was exploring the bay, Kate and the others had made their way down south to continue their hunt in the swamp.

They had already overhunted grassland to the point where it was difficult to find any prey, so they had to switch hunting grounds.

The swamp was sparsely filled with low-cut trees and vegetation, with ankle-deep water blanketing the landscape. The ground was muddy, causing their footsteps to sink in with each step, greatly affecting the movement of most hunters. 

Although the wolves and Kate, who were land-bound, had a tough time navigating due to the difficult terrain, this restriction didn't apply to the three fairies who were able to fly. 

As the group progressed through the endlessly murky swamp, Kate, who was riding on the Alpha Wolf, couldn't help but look at Sylph, who was sitting in front of her.