Unsolved Questions.

Vio met up with me shortly after third period was over, I had gone over to see him before our next class started.

            "Hey Lilia, what's your next class?"

            "I have English next, what about you?"

            "AP History."

Right, I remembered Brandy telling me she had to go to AP History in fourth period and Vio was in her class. I looked at him and thought, how did a kid like him, intelligent and stunning, end up with such a trash girlfriend? I shrugged it off and continued walking with him.

            "Hey Vio, we walked past History, go to your class."

She won't mind if I'm a little late.

            "Alright then."

We continued walking and talking, I heard some people by us whispering, I knew they were talking about us. They tried their best to be quiet but they failed, I heard them 'are they dating?' to 'when did they start talking?' It was cute how people really thought we were dating or something.

"Ok, go to history loser, I'm at my class."

"Wanna see me run there?"

"Oh my goodness, yes!"

I heard Vio was a fast runner, so I wanted to see it in person. He started pushing people out the way to go to history, I told him it was a bad idea to walk all the way to English with me. It was kind of a cute gesture, walking me to class by missing his own, soon enough I saw him wave me goodbye in the crowd as I smiled and walked into English.

Soon enough, the period was over and I was exhausted, english had always been really tiring and I hated it but I need it for college credit. Stanford was my top choice and since I had a high GPA, I might have a chance, I already sent in a letter to Stanford and other colleges too.

"Brandy, what college did you apply to?"

"Yale and some others, you?"

"Stanford and others too."

She looked at me and leaned into my ear and told me that Vio also applied to Stanford, since we were getting our letters back from them soon about if we got accepted or not, maybe me and him would go to the same school.

I met up with him after fourth period and told him about my news.

"Heard you applied for Stanford too."

"Yup, hoping I get accepted."

"I applied for it too so, same hopes here."

He smiled at me and patted my head, it was just a gesture of good luck apparently. I didn't need luck, I believed in my ability that I would get into Stanford.

"We should be roommates."

He laughed, "That would be chaotic!"

Just then, I could see Brandy in the corner of my eye giving me a thumbs up and cheering me on from a distance, where was her boyfriend at during all of this anyway?

"Seriously Brandy!? Cheering me on? Over what? Talking to a guy?"

"Yeah! I haven't seen you trust one like that in a long time Ilia!"

She wasn't wrong, it's been a while since I've opened up to a guy like this. Vio just has that nature, he makes you feel welcomed and warm, he's a nice guy and I love being around him.

"Not like he's my type anyways! Get off my case Brandy!"

"But he could be! You guys seem perfect for each other!"

I just met him Brandy!

She immediately quieted down as I told her that, she was shocked. I knew that look on her face, she probably thought we'd been talking for a long time when in reality, it was just first period that I started talking to him.

"How are you so open with him and you guys just met? What happened to you?"

"What? Am I wrong for finding comfort in someone a lot like me?"

"Nono! Of course not, I'm just saying, you know what happened last time Ilia."

Right, I'll never be able to let that go now that I have it with me. huh? I remember the last time I trusted someone with so much info that when I made them angry, they leaked everything about me! Luckily, I had everyone on my side, they got expelled and moved to Vermont from what I heard.

Sometimes, I indulged in the thought of him finding me again but that's not for another couple years and if he try coming back, I have it all planned out how I'd deal with it.

"Brandy, where's your boyfriend been?"

"He went off with his friends for practice."

"Oh yeah, football has practice today... so that means.."

Brandy looked at me and knew exactly what I was thinking, Vio told me once that he's on the football team, I offered to go to his game this friday, can't wait to go watch.

            "You thinking of that guy?"

            "He has a name yknow? It's Vio."

            "Really? He always gets called Glenn in class so I assumed it was Glenn."

Goodness, is that really how much he hated his first name? Even if it was feminine to him, I thought it was pretty and captured his charming ways. For a football boy at least, he had a lot going for him and I applaud that.

            "Hey Lilia!"

            "Why hello there, Vio."

            "Please, you don't have to keep calling me that cause you pity me."

            "But I don't, I think it's elegant and handsome."

I could see the blush swipe across his face, he tried to hide it but it didn't work out well. I kept a bright smile and he eventually smiled back but only for a split second as soon as he realized Brandy was there with me.

            "You two really act like lovers, you know that?"

            "Are we making you feel single?"

            "Yeah! And you guys aren't even dating!"

Brandy crossed her arms as she became angry with us acting like we're dating, I would never date Vio anyways, not my thing.

I needed to ask Vio a question so I asked him to come back soon after practice, happy he remembered.

            "So, about that question..?"

            "Oh, yeah! Can you help me with history homework?"

            "Is that really all you needed?"

I nodded as he looked at me fuming, he probably was worrying his entire practice wondering what I was gonna ask. If he did, I felt kinda bad for the man.

Brandy still looked angry, her boyfriend still wasn't back yet and it confused me, he and Vio were both at practice so why is it taking Brandy's boyfriend more time to get here.

            "Well I think I see a hot topic in the room."

            "Wait, huh?"

I pointed to a corner in the commons that had Brandy's boyfriend and some random blondie. She was ugly, extremely. Terrible haircut, non matching clothes and terrifyingly looking eyes and usually I like people's eyes but hers, goodness, absolutely disgusting.

            "Are they..KISSING?"

            "Blow your horn Brandy, go off!"

I saw the way Vio chuckled at my encouragement for my friend, I saw her walk over to that corner and absolutely go off on her now, ex-boyfriend. I was waiting for this to happen, it was insane watching her lose it, she wasn't hurt when a guy cheated on her, she found it funny.

            "You're cheating now? You need more girls to replace me? Am I too good?"

            "No, you just got boring!"

            You literally asked me out first, you should've known what you got yourself into.

He honestly should've known, he willingly dated a crazy girl, she was literally called the bad bitch asian since she never accepted anything one-sided and genuinely bad for any sort of love back. She knew what she needed and I applauded her for it.

            "Well Vio, you see what will happen when you hurt me?"

            "Why would I hurt you?"

            "You know, good question."

            "Do you...think I would hurt you...?"

I looked at his face, he seemed upset that I would ask him that question before, I understood why. Being seen as football MVP and a weirdo as well must be hard for him, it was almost the end of the day and the bell was about to ring.

            "You know, I think I'll get a chance to really know you soon, I like you pretty boy."

            "I well, uhm.."

            "Don't trip about it, I don't mean romantically, I like you as my weirdo, nothing more."

He nodded and just when he was gonna ask me something, the bell rung and I had to run out before he could ask me what he wanted to say.

            "Bye bye Vio!"

The smile that crossed his face was worth it all, I don't regret meeting him.