
           "Vio! Vio! Hello? Earth to Viooo~"

            "Mm, uh what? Did I space out?"

            "Yeah, you good?"

            "Yep! I'm good, don't worry."

He woke himself up with the amount of noise in the cafeteria, he noticed how close our faces were and backed away. I think I got too close to wake him up, didn't mean to scare him.

            "So, about the homework answers Ilia.."

            "Don't tell me you forgot?"

            "I forgot, I'm sorry! I didn't have enough time!"

            "Ah! It's fine, don't worry!"

I didn't mind the fact he forgot about the answers, I could figure them out soon enough anyways. I put it off, it didn't matter, I didn't have history today anyways so it wouldn't be necessary.

            "Anyways, how do you feel about going out with me this weekend?"

            "To where? The cafe nearby? The mall?"

            I giggled, "The aerospace museum, you know where Barta's cafe is? It's around there."

            "Yeah sure, I would love to, what day?"

            "Sunday! I already have the tickets to go."

Vio had a big smile, I guess he really likes that museum, I understand why though. I've always been into space and our galaxy, I adore researching mysteries of our universe and what lives beyond us and beyond this planet. My favorite planet is Mars, I love the idea of us being able to live there someday, hopefully, I'll be able to remember those I love when we go there.

            "Tell me Vio, do you have a favorite planet?"

            He smirked, "Yeah, Saturn."

            "Ahh! Saturn is pretty, especially its rings."

            It really is.

Saturn. Saturn is an interesting planet, having rings made out of rock, it's almost as interesting as Jupiter with its red storm. Sorry sorry, too much about planets! I just love to ramble don't I?

            "You have a planet you like too, right?"

            "Yeah! I love Jupiter."

            Is it cause it's red?

            I looked in confusion, "How did you know I like the color red?"


God, she was trying really hard to get me with him huh? She's gonna get me killed, I swear. I already told her I don't like him like that, what is she doing? If she wants me to get with him, guess I'll give her a show.

            "Seriously, she really wants me to date you."

            "Then why don't you? You said it yourself I'm attractive."

            "Shut it Vio, I already told you, you're not my type."

            Ok ok! I'll stop teasing.

I trust one guy and Brandy loses her mind, I can't talk to Vio in peace without her wondering when I'm gonna date him. I need her to calm her horses and sit down for a minute and think why I don't want to date him.

            "Brandy! Get over here!

            "Uh oh, Mistress Ilia is gonna lose it."

            "Shush Vio."

            "Yes ma'am."

I chuckled, then I recognized he's been calling me Ilia recently, he must really love that name for me.

            "Ilia what is it?"

            "Stop trying to set me up with Vio, you're playing with me."

            "Awh! Come on, you guys are cute and you already act like you're dating!"

            "When have we ever acted like we're dating?"

I swore I saw Vio smirk in the corner of my eye, that cunning little brat. I gave Brandy time to think about an answer since me and Vio should be sooooo in love right now.

            "Seriously, can I just be friends with a guy I just met?"

            "Technically, you met him yesterday."

            "Ok and? I just wanna be friends with him, please back off."

            "Why do you sound so upset?"

            Cause I am Brandy! You already know how I feel about relationships right now.

I had every right to be upset, Vio was a close guy friend that I adored, he was caring and paid attention to my rambles and out of nowhere conversations. I liked that about him, he saw me, not the all perfect me, he saw my flaws and cracks. He knew my boundaries and tried not to twist me the wrong way, he was careful with me and I loved that. Maybe we could be more than what I was insisting.

Brandy knew my last relationship didn't go well and should understand that I just don't want one right now. I know she's hoping that Vio sweeps me off my feet and gives me that beautiful, rose wedding, happily ever after that Brandy wants so bad but I just can't handle that right now.

            "Can I least see a kiss?"


            Personally, I don't mind.

Vio's response had me whip my head around at him, did he really mean that? Was he serious!?

            "I mean, do you want that?"

            "I didn't think you were serious about that."

            "Well, I am, do you want this?"

I thought about it for a split second, as Vio stared at me. I didn't want to give in to Brandy's request but with the way Vio was so insistent,

            "I guess I'll do it."

            "Yes! Oh my god, I was waiting for this!"

Vio nodded and leaned into my face closer, bringing his hand up to caress my cheek. I steadied myself as I awaited the most embarrassing scene of my life, then I felt it. Warmth and comfort, it was short but it was enough to know Vio knew what he was doing, the truth of him being careful with me was evident in his kiss. He was gentle with it and didn't wanna make it rough, that was my first kiss in a while and I'm afraid to admit that I kinda liked it.

            "AHHH! Finally it happened, you guys have to date now!"

            "I am not dating a guy just because I shared one kiss with him."

            "You guys kissed! Not to mention, HE initiated it! He probably likes you."

            "He's not interested in a relationship right now Brandy!"

            "How do you know he's telling the truth?"

            "Cause I just met him yesterday!"

Brandy shut up after realizing that there's no way he would have feelings for me after knowing me for just a day. The end of the day neared as me and Vio got our things together and I volunteered that I walk home with him since we live close together.

Me and Vio heard the bell rang and raced for the doors but it was a tie, since he was going easy on me, the principal gave us dirty looks and we laughed about it.

            "Did you see Mrs. Almer? The way she looked at us!"

            "You know, last year I wouldn't have ran like that through the halls."

            "Yeah no, me either, I'm a good kid, sort of."

We both smiled at each other while walking home, relaxing. For the rest of our walk, we talked about stupid stuff and absolute nonsense while also talking about teachers we hated. We had so much chemistry, it was like we were meant to find each other but I didn't wanna indulge in Brandy's fantasy now.

            "Do you think what Brandy said, could actually happen?"

            "What? Her thinking we could actually get together?"

            "Yeah, could that happen? I mean have you thought about it?"

            "Well, yeah but I'm not looking for anything right now but, maybe in the future!"

            "I'll be waiting then."

What did he mean by that? He'll be waiting? Did he genuinely want this? I thought he said he wasn't looking for a relationship, what happened to that?

            "This is my house Vio, I'll see you tomorrow?"

            "You can count on it Ilia, see ya."

            "Wait Vio! What did you mean by you'll be waiting?"

            "Take that however you want to Ilia, you're a smart girl, you'll figure it out."

Then he walked off, I didn't even get to spit out an answer before he left, he was quick. Guess I'll be the one waiting for an answer.