Meanwhile, Keiran and Concordia had set up their Integrated Food Production Systems. Keiran sighed heavily.

"That's finally done. That sure was intense" Keiran said.

"Next, we need to set up a sort of Security System but where do we start?" Concordia wondered.

"Well, Security is for the most parts about protecting Property, Freedom and most importantly, Life so it's not necessarily all about apprehending Criminals. It's about minimizing and if possible, eliminating everything that demeans these values" Keiran explained.

"To set up an effective Security System, you need to know who or what you're protecting as well as what you're protecting that person or object from. That will help you put in place adequate measures or barriers to keep the predator away from the prey to put it in simple terms" Keiran explained.

"In that sense, us securing our Food And Water Supply is also a Security Measure to protect our people from hunger" Concordia realized.

"Exactly, as well as all vices associated with hunger. That is why satisfying lack in a healthy manner is one way of creating an accommodating atmosphere that eliminates vices associated with a particular lack. We should also put in place measures to satisfy unhealthy needs with healthy substitutes that can almost compensate for the lack by mimicking the solution to that lack but in a healthy manner. My Dad always says for all unhealthy foods, there is a healthy substitute in Nature. Sometimes, finding that substitute involves attempting to recreate a particular taste by harmonizing various natural ingredients. That is one way to at least combat security issues associated with unhealthy feeding habits. This must be done without making the Populace feel as though their diet is restricted. If they feel restricted, chances are they'll attempt to overcompensate for lack and that may eventually lead to them stumbling into unhealthy feeding habits. Healthy Substitutes must be provided for the entire population in large varieties however, the population must be allowed to make the choice regarding diet. That way, no one will be tempted to seek out unhealthy foods that could inflict Debilitating Stats" Keiran explained.

"Well, one rule of thumb is to always keep your eyes on your food especially if you're a Dream Knight. No Dream Knight is allowed to eat or drink anything with the potential for fermentation before a mission in order to avoid dulling their senses during missions. The ideal situation would be to prepare your own food. If for some reason, you have to leave your food behind, you'll need to cook another batch to avoid a case of poisoning by an adversary. It's best to rely also on cooking methods via oil or by dry cooking with methods like smoking and roasting. Cooking via oil can coagulate potential poison in food" Concordia explained.

"The reason cooking via water with methods like boiling isn't advisable in a situation where the threat of poisoning is high is due to the great ability of water to dissolve a wide variety of substances right?" Keiran said.

"Exactly, the chances of creating a poisonous solution increase greatly with water and reduces with oil and dry cooking methods" Concordia explained. "In a sense, I can see why you prevented me from fighting the first Basilisk and from utilizing Elements Of Destruction" Concordia realized.

"For starters, we need to create an Archive of all our Resources and Technologies. We need to include in the Archive potential Debilitating Stats that may arise as a result of lack in various fields as well as from ingesting certain things in the environment. We need to create a Database of Causes, Effects and Potential Cures by observing organisms in our environment and how they interact with their environment. The Libra System should help us observe animals that are very similar to ourselves to create a sort of Medical Database at the very least" Keiran explained.

"I see. By documenting Methodologies that work, we won't need to resort to Trial And Error every time we come across a problem we've already solved once in the past. The documented solution will serve as a point of reference to solving the problem. Why don't we begin by creating a Repository for the Zodiac Systems as well as how they functioned in the eras we've already faced" Concordia suggested.

"That's a very good idea. Let's start with that then" Keiran agreed.

Keiran and Concordia began to document the Zodiac System's various functionalities. They also made it very clear that the System didn't exist to predict the future in itself but rather achieved this through an understanding of the Natural World and the environment as well as the present. They successfully documented how the System's functionalities evolved from Basic Survival Systems to Security Systems in the Feudal States Era and made known that each System could be applied to varied contexts and settings as well as the fact that the Systems though unique were not isolated but rather Integrated Systems.

The Repository for Security was split into Twelve Equal Parts, one for each of the Twelve Noble Professions. Each Profession had Subtitles under which various documents were compiled. These Subtitles were grouped under the Major Titles Of Debilitating Stat Name, Cause, Effect (Symptoms) and Cure. The Cause, Keiran and Concordia made known, could be identified via maps generated by the Scorpio System's Ecological Trace Mode. Effect dealt with identifiable Symptoms and could be deduced via Observation. Cures could be derived by first identifying the source of the Debilitating Stat via the Scorpio System's Ecological Trace Mode and then applying the Aquarius System's Immunization And Antidotes Methodologies. This was also applicable in multiple contexts and settings.

So far, Keiran and Concordia had put in place measures to secure Life and Health. Now they needed to define Freedoms and secure Property.

"To secure the Freedom and Property of the Populace, we need to clearly define boundaries. We need to assign every member of the Populace Deeds Of Entitlement to various properties and functionalities. These Deeds should clearly define what belongs to them and what does not as well as the functionalities they are allowed to utilize and the range they are allowed. We can grant these Deeds special functions of Inclusivity And Exclusivity to allow each member of the Peristylium the ability to grant other members of the Peristylium, especially affiliations, access to various properties they own. These are Set Functionalities" Keiran explained.

"They really are" Concordia realized.

"Once everyone knows clearly what belongs to them and what does not, arguments over property are likely to reduce as the matter will be enforced by the Gemini System and can be referenced for defense. That in itself is a check against theft. This functionality should be established but flexible to allow the Owner of the Property to adjust access parameters and we should be able to track these access parameters and changes to them via the Gemini System. That at least will serve as a check against cases of theft and litigation" Keiran noted.

"That's right. We've finally set in place measures to protect life and property and have also set definite boundaries to define Freedoms and Limitations. These Limitations are necessary but associated vices to crimes committed out of necessity can be prevented by ensuring the provision of the basic needs of every citizen. Eliminating crimes committed out of necessity is the first step towards tracking the Weaver Of Calamity via crimes committed out of animosity" Keiran said.

Keiran and Concordia thus used the Gemini System to generate Deeds Of Entitlement encoded with Set Functionalities of Exclusivity and Inclusivity that were adjustable by the Owner of the Property. These Deeds were linked to various properties within the Peristylium that had been assigned to Citizens.

A 'Gateway' Functionality for instance could be used along with 'Filter' functionalities to allow members of the Peristylium access to a particular property owned by another member of the Peristylium and could only be utilized by the Owner of the Property. A 'Lock' Functionality could also be applied with 'Filter' functionalities to keep other members of the Peristylium away from particular objects belonging to someone else. All these functions could be controlled by the Owner Of The Property and though they could be monitored by Keiran and Concordia, the Gemini System did not allow them to control or alter these functionalities assigned to the Citizen to safeguard his or her property. They could only enforce those functionalities if a complaint came in by referencing the Deeds Of Entitlement.