Meanwhile, Ciella and I were done with our Integrated Food Production Systems, Basic Trade Systems and Integrated Archiving And Justice Systems.

"It's cool to see how everyone is working together in their various groups. The Peristylium is like a well-oiled machine and everyone seems content and happy. Wouldn't it be cool if we added some Recreational Facilities? The Leo System is all about Family after all" Ciella suggested.

"You're totally right. First things first, let's assign some special functionalities to each Family. These Functionalities will help every Family clearly define the roles of each Family Member. It's a Functionality that works like your basic Timetable for Chores and stuff like that. We can attach a sort of Demographic App to it with consent from every Family of course. Each Family will then be able to input their Ages and Occupations so it's like a Census that can take place without the need for a large crowd. We can break down the System for taking a Census into Functionalities that can be assigned to every home and the Family can update the info regularly at their own convenience" I said.

Ciella sighed.

"I was thinking something a bit more fun" she said.

I laughed.

"I know and that is precisely why this process is necessary. We can query citizens about their special interests with the Functionality, measure their responses against their ages to create a custom database for each citizen. By analyzing common interests and matching that against Age Ranges, we can create Custom Recreational Facilities for each Age Range as well as Recreational Facilities that align with the interests of all Age Groups. Those created by taking Age Ranges into account can be used to create Recreational Facilities for specific Age Groups. Those that centre on data generated by interests will be used to create Recreational Facilities for people with Common Interests. Finally, those made specifically for Families will contain facilities that cut across all age groups and interests. They will be much larger than those created for specific groups" I explained to Ciella.

Her eyes suddenly lit up in excitement.

"That's actually kinda exciting!" she exclaimed in excitement.

I smiled at her.

"Then let's do this thing" I said as we began to work on special Role Definition and Interest Query Functionalities for our Peristylium.

We assigned these to every member of the Peristylium.

"We need to keep in mind that everything we do with the info gathered from these queries must ultimately benefit all citizens of the Peristylium in ways that are wholesome" I reminded Ciella.

"Of course" she agreed.

The Query and Role Definition Functionalities were assigned to every member via the Gemini System's Treaty/Legacy Mode. It took about a Week Of Gameplay. (Of course we logged off at intervals so don't even ask). Finally, we got responses from a majority of the Peristylium, in fact, all of them. The gathered data was stored in a Database under the Scorpio's System Of Ecology. Ecology of course had to do with the interaction amongst living organisms of similar or different species as well as their interaction with their environment so the concept applied to this particular context and could be factored into analyzing the data. Ironically, regardless of how vast the interests of the citizens of our Peristylium were, they always somehow aligned with one of the Twelve Noble Professions.

Ciella and I applied all the data we had gathered so far and sifted it via an Age Filter to determine the most common interests for various Age Groups. Once we discovered these interests, we created Set Functionalities that assigned all members of the Peristylium with Common Ages into a Set that aligned with their interests. This created narrower, more specific sets. By analyzing the Population that aligned with a specific interest, we could gauge how large the Recreational Facilities were supposed to be. The greater the number of people that aligned with a specific interest, the larger the facility designed for that interest was. The lesser the Population, the smaller the Facility. The Facility had to be at least larger than half the Population of people who aligned with that interest when the size of the Facility was measured against the Number of People that had an interest the Facility was created to satisfy. The lesser the Population, the smaller the Facility. It was unlikely that everyone would use that facility at the same time and people who didn't have that interest as a predominant interest were less likely to use it. However, Ciella and I knew that interests could change with time. It was one of the reasons we decided to make the Query Functionality Portable and Available to the entire Peristylium. Their responses would determine when to expand and when to downgrade the Facilities.

For the faction of the Population whose interests aligned with Justice, we created amusement facilities that trained balance through physical activity and also trained it on a mental level through activities that focused around balancing various equations presented in graphical interactive formats. This trained application of the concept of Balance to various contexts.

For those interested in deepening Family Bonds, we created facilities that were of interest to all age and interest groups where everyone could have fun. The accommodating atmosphere allowed them to express themselves freely.

For those whose interests aligned with everything food related, we created facilities to strengthen their ability to conceptualize balance in the form of lessons focused around affinity with regards to the Elemental Balance. They learnt how to read and interpret changes in the Weather and how to determine which Soil Types suited a particular plant.

Those with an interest in Medicine had Recreational Facilities that simulated various debuffs. To balance out the debuffs, they had to focus on how to utilize the concept of a Balanced Diet for the purposes of Neutralization of the Debuff. For instance, wounds and all degeneration could be cured via proteins that possessed the power of regeneration. Lack of energy could be cured with Carbohydrates and foods rich in Sugar. Toxification could be cured by raising immunity levels via various Vitamins. They basically learnt to counter diseases with Food.

Those who possessed an interest for Ecology and Economy were also taught about the Elemental Balance and the roles of various Living Organisms, both fauna and flora in the preservation of the Balance sustaining the Earth. This allowed them to understand how to balance out anomalies in climate by scaling up the reproduction of organisms that acted as a counterbalance to match the scale of the anomaly. They could also balance out irregularities in climate through gradual application of the Principles Of Elemental Balance. To do this too rapidly without considering the disparities amongst the various elements could potentially trigger a Cataclysmic Chain Of Geological Events.

For those interested in the purification, preservation and transformation of Food and Water, they were taught about the States Of Matter and how to utilize these States to separate impurities from consumables via variations in the mass of the consumable and the impurity. They also learnt how to convert consumables into alternate forms and to reconvert them into forms they possessed before.

Those interested in honing Logic and Knowledge were also trained in Balance. Logic was all about Balance. Every equation had Methodologies that equaled the result. The ability to balance a methodology with a result, in other words, the Principle Of Cause And Effect was the very basis of Logic and all scientific discoveries man had ever made.

Those with interests in Weaving and Architecture were taught how to utilize the Principles Of Deduction to connect seemingly separate or isolated principles and transform them into a whole.

Those with interests in Leadership were taught how to organize seemingly separate groups and direct them in unique ways to achieve a common goal being mindful and respectful of the differences amongst the separate groups.

Then there were those that were taught how to create joints for seemingly limited areas for the purposes of expansion.

Finally, there were those that were taught to apply all the above in the formation of bonds and alliances with both citizens of the Peristylium as well as other tribes living outside the Peristylium but on the Mainland.

All of these ideas were expressed in ways that were customized to the preferences of the members of the Peristylium.