After the basic facilities and Systems needed to run the Peristylium were up and running, I got Ciella settled down one day and began to discuss a very serious matter.

"Ciella, we've put in place basic measures to ensure that the Peristylium is practically self-sustaining. It's the first step to bridging the Continents however…we haven't particularly come any closer to connecting the Continents themselves. I intend to leave the Peristylium for a while to explore the Coastal Regions surrounding the entire Continent in an attempt to try and discover whether or not there are any close Continents we don't know about. Would you like to come with me or remain in the Peristylium?" I asked.

"I'm coming with you of course. You don't need to worry about me. We survived when it was just us. We should be fine…and besides…the Peristylium has survived for Four Hundred Years without us by depending on very Basic Survival Systems. With everything they have now, the Systems, the Facilities…a few weeks on their own won't hurt them and we are connected to the Peristylium via the Stellar Systems so we would know if any of them were in danger" Ciella argued.

I smiled.

"I won't argue" I said.

"Besides, this time there is more we can ultimately do for the Peristylium by leaving it than we can do by remaining within it" Ciella argued.

"Then let's leave after informing the appointed Leaders who run the Major Job Systems we've put in place so far" I said.

Ciella agreed. We sent messages to the Appointed Leaders who ran the various Job Systems. After saying our farewells to various friends within the Peristylium for the NPCs were so lifelike they seemed more like people than like programs, we headed out towards the Coast.

Once we arrived at the Coast, we began to explore its breadth. Ciella and I harvested Wild Corn to roast when we ran out of HP. We also resorted to Leguminous Nuts. When low on MP, we harvested Wild Fruits.

"Ciella, I'm going to design a certain piece of flying gear for you with my Dreamweaving Abilities. It will help us maximize our ability to explore. Our Peristylium is able to craft rafts and boats out of Wood and Tar however, we can only explore the Sea as far as our HP and MP allow us to. We could be drowned if we venture too far out to Sea and ran out of HP and MP though we'd be revived by Phoenix Tears but still…it'd be best we do things in a logical and sensible manner" I said.

"I understand" Ciella said.

"First, what sort of flying gear should I create? If I use one that depends on exhaustible resources, you could get stranded in the middle of the ocean. Propulsion by propellers would be a good idea but that would mean we'd have to find a way to power up the System and if I wanted to sustain flight solely through Dreamweaving, I'd exhaust my MP since I'd be flying for two. It's also why I can't resort to propulsion by flame. If I were flying alone, that would have been the best" I muttered.

Then I noticed a bird flying high in the Sky and a thought struck me!

"Of course!" I thought suddenly.

"What is it San?" Ciella asked.

"Birds have feathers made out of a framework of hollow bones. These hollow bones act as flotation devices allowing the bird to sustain its flight. I'll dreamweave a similar structure for you!" I said in excitement.

Ciella smiled at me. I stretched my hands and bright angelic wings materialized on Ciella's back. They attached to her hands via sleeves and she could attach it to herself via belts.

"I've encoded the framework of feathers with hollow bone-like structures that mimic the Wings and Feathers of birds. You can control flight motions with your hands and also by contracting and relaxing your muscles. It's kinda like your basic glider" I said with a thumbs up.

"Thanks. It looks great!" Ciella exclaimed in excitement.

"The downside though is you need a bit of a boost to get airborne. Hope you're not scared of heights" I teased Ciella.

"Well…maybe just a little" she admitted.

"You can stay on land while I do the exploring you know" I suggested.

"Of course not. I really do intend to become a Dream Knight. I can't let little things like the fear of heights stop me" Ciella declared with determination.

I smiled.

"Don't push yourself too hard" I said and reached out to Ciella. "Here, I'll give you a boost" I said and began to levitate via my own equipped Wings plus a bit of Wind Energy I utilized to push us off the ground.

"Now flap your wings Ciella. I'll generate currents of wind beneath them to keep you afloat in the air" I said.

Ciella nodded and obeyed. As she flapped, I began to notice her weight gradually diminish and when it totally diminished, I let go of her. She was flying by herself now.

"I'm flying San! It's unbelievable! I'm actually flying!" she exclaimed in excitement.

For the first few days, we just flew about familiarizing ourselves with simple motions that helped maintain balance and make basic adjustments to direction.

"How do these wings work San?" Ciella asked me one day.

"Well, they're made of a framework of hollow bone-like materials covered with layers of feathers so they are weavings of sorts. The key is to ensure that the bone-like framework is made out of material that doesn't allow air to escape through by any other means except by the means through which it entered the framework. So it's like a network of flutes with one way entries for air and all connected by joints thus when you flap, the air enters the framework. You have to flap before it all escapes to maintain flotation. You can sustain flotation by spreading out your wings. The variation between the weight of the air in the airtight hollows and the surrounding air outside it creates a kind of buoyancy effect that can keep you afloat. You can also shut the entry ways for air when the framework is full to keep the air trapped in order to sustain flotation. It's also like an Air Balloon except in the form of Wings instead of a Balloon. Later I'll add a metre to measure weight against trapped air to deduce the amount of force it would take to keep us afloat" I explained to Ciella.

"I see. Pretty cool!" Ciella exclaimed in excitement.